The Way of the Locust

" . . . locust have no king, yet they advance together in ranks . . ."

Proverbs 30:27

Monday, January 5, 2009

Cheaters, Proverbs 5

"I have come to the brink of utter ruin in the midst of the whole assembly."

Proverbs 5:14

Joey Greco host of "Cheaters"

I must admit that I occasionally watch this TV show (so I am not alone, I have provided a link for you too). It is heart-breaking for the one being cheated on. I remember being cheated on in the 7th grade, by my beautiful girlfriend. I was the last to know. I was crushed and had a hard time trusting girls from then on (until I met my wife).

"Cheaters" is unique in that it catches the "cheaters" in the act. Many times the deed is caught on camera where even the best of liars have no way out. It is hard for a culprit(s) to deny his or her own naked butt on the viewer screen.

Now, to have one's infedility broadcast on national TV is ultimate justice. The cheaters never think they will ever get caught, but they do.

Why is fidelity so important to God? This is a question worth pondering. We see the damage infidelity leaves on families and relationships. The hurt, the despair, and moral failure that is hard to recover from. Before you cheat, imagine the world finding out and think about God who observes everything, even when "Cheaters" is not around.

"Cheaters" Episode

Proverbs 5:21 - "For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths."

I don't know what judgment day will be like for the unforgiven, but I can imagine it will be uncomfortable. We just aren't smart enough or have the moral righteousness to deal with the crud of our own lives and the ramifications of our decisions on ourselves and others. Like one giant lawsuit one's whole life.

I have always been curious about the era of sacrifice for sins. Heard on TV today that Solomon sacrificed over 22,000 bulls at the opening of the Tabernacle he built for God. Now, to think that God sacrificed his own son for us, is incredible. If we accept Christ, then we are called to be faithful, dedicated, focused, honorable, and holy. That is a tall order. If we cheat, the stakes are high and there is always a cost. I hope you never see me on "Cheaters" and worse, I hope I never see you.

On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!

Andy Valadez

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