The Way of the Locust

" . . . locust have no king, yet they advance together in ranks . . ."

Proverbs 30:27

Sunday, January 11, 2009

1.10.09 Eye to Eye, Proverbs 10 (The Message)

"An evasive eye is a sign of trouble ahead, but an open, face-to-face meeting results in peace."

Proverbs 10:10

People rarely see "eye to eye" on important matters. Our biases, distractions, agendas, fears, emotions, ego, and lack of wisdom gets in the way. We may trust others quickly, not trust others at all, and may be so focused on ourselves that we miss a friendship that could last a life-time.

I've adopted a new saying to help my clients understand what I am looking for in new business relationships. I tell them I am looking for "Needles in a needle stack." In particular, I am looking for silver, gold, or platinum needles." I want battle tested, long-term thinkers, and people willing to shed their agendas to accomplish something great. Now that I know what to look for, it is easier to determine when I come across those people.

"I will I trust" by Colorz of Heaven

Proverbs 10:16 "The wage of a good person is exuberant life; an evil person ends up with nothing but sin."

When we leave this earth, how will people remember us? Were we exuberant? Were worth remembering or misunderstood? My pastor says we should first seek to understand and then to be understood.

An exuberant life sounds wonderful. Do you know exuberant people? The people that seem to always be full of life and excited about the people they know and love. It is contagious to be around exuberant and enthusiastic lovers of life. Are you dull and boring or someone who inspires and encourages? I know soft-spoken people who exude and resonate life in their voice. Exuberance doesn't have to be outlandish it can be in measured speech, but laughter and a smile go a long way. Want to see exuberance in action? Take a look at children at play with other children.

On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!

Andy Valadez

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