The Way of the Locust

" . . . locust have no king, yet they advance together in ranks . . ."

Proverbs 30:27

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Desert, Proverbs 21

"Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife."

Proverbs 21:19

This is a dangerous verse for a married man. My wife and I have been married for 28 years and we do quarrel from time to time. There are moments when she may be extra quarrelsome and she knows it. A verse like this comes in handy every now and then. Timing is everything. Saying a verse like this at the wrong time and one could become homeless very fast. Fortunately, one of the things I love about my wife is that she lets me be a man and she is a student of Proverbs and knows what verses like these mean to our relationship.

My wife knows I am not perfect and that my heart is right and that I can be courageous when the moment calls for it (she wants a strong husband). In our quarrels, she is testing my resolve, my commitment, and my desire to protect her to rescue her. We have learned to work out our quarrels and achieve peace in the home.

I asked her to go at least another 28 years with me today. We are on an adventure and every now and then we may argue over which path to take, but she usually trusts me to make the right decisions for our family.

"Marriage and Divorce" with Dr. Ed Young

Proverbs 21:9 - "Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife."

Sure beats living in a desert. I pray that quarrel is not commonplace in your home. I don't have an answer for how to workout an equilibrium with a wife who is quarrelsome. I have seen guys beat down by their lady. What are your thoughts about a quarrelsome wife? Or quarrelsome husband?

On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!

Andy Valadez

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