The Way of the Locust

" . . . locust have no king, yet they advance together in ranks . . ."

Proverbs 30:27

Saturday, November 22, 2008

11.21.08 The Fortune, Proverbs 21

"A fortune made by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and a deadly snare."

Proverbs 21:6

My family loves Chinese food and the favorite part of the meal is getting the fortune cookie and reading our fortune. Many of the Chinese proverbs seem to match our perceived outlook and way of life. Most are positive and we laugh and agree with the glimps of the future blessing.

A friend once said that someone needs to come up with a "misfortune" line of cookies which may read "Your fortune is not so bright, please take another cookie." of course the next wouldn't be very favorable either. He believes, we may need a good dose of humility in our outlook.

We all want and expect a bright future. We may be saving for our future and may be working on building a financial fortune. Many fortunes are built on a lie and schemes are being prepared to separate us from our money.

The stock market crash can be traced to the idea of "affordable housing" which relaxed the rules on mortgage qualifications. It made it easy for people to qualify for loans they couldn't afford and some smart and savvy people accepted this and allowed for whole markets to be created around it. Then "group think" set in and more believed that the investments they were making in these loans were sound, then collapse - "a fleeting vapor". The country is reeling from this, blaming it all on greed, but in reality it was a lie from the onset. Those who were to blame are in "hiding' and in "blame" mode.

Anothe example, the lottery. I have never played the lottery with my own money. I have had friends buy me a ticket for "Christmas". When is a lie, a lie? The statistical chances of winning the lottery are so low, that is almost a lie or is it a lie? Many of the winners find that the events of their lives change so drastically that they don't know how to cope. Their fortune turns into a misfortune. Finally, the money and that fund was originally created to help some need is never fulfilled and then the taxes are raised on the people who supported the lottery legislation and those who didn't.

"Lose Your Life" music by the Blackstone

Proverbs 21:5 - "The hands of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to proverty."

There are no get rich quick opportunities. There are great ideas, plans, and partnerships that can lead to explosive wealth. In the end, it does take work and diligence, long-term sacrifice. Sam Walton didn't really start to accelerate his vision until he was 45, but he had been working on his plan for many, many years and already had a plan in mind. His tenacity and diligence lad to a critical mass that ultimately lead to explosive sustainable growth. He is long gone and his company continues to grow. I don't know if Mr. Walton was a Christian, but his life has helped so many Americans and now the world to save money and make their lives so much better.

On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!

Andy Valadez

A must read for any entrepreneur, on growing great a company.

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