The Way of the Locust

" . . . locust have no king, yet they advance together in ranks . . ."

Proverbs 30:27

Monday, November 3, 2008

11.2.08 The Shield, Proverbs 2

" . . . he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, . . . "

Proverbs 2:7

From time to time, I enjoy watching reality-based shows like "America's Most Wanted", "Cops", "Smoking Gun: America's Dumbest Criminals", and "Forensic Files".

One story stood out over the weekend. A guy got pulled over for drunk driving. He was on probation and was just released from jail 2 days earlier. He begged the police offer not to arrest him. Well, the police officer arrested him anyway put him in the patrol car. The squad car audio was on recording him. The guy was crying out "I dont' want to go to jail!".

He then begged Jesus Christ to save him. He said "I will convert to Jesus Christ, just let me out of here". He went on to beg Jesus, etc. It was really laughable. Poor guy. It was like God withdrew his shield and it was time for this guy to re-learn a lesson.

I think there are many who want to use Christ as an emergency parachute. There back up plan is to call on the Lord only when they have no other option. I don't know if that plan will work.

The use of a shield requires thoughtful and pre-planned application. One must be trained in its use, be prepared to use it, and use it tandom with others on the battle line. There are many famous battles in history where the shield has made the decisive victory. The Romans were known for their tactics in battle with the use of the shield.

Military shields today are very high-tech with the use of drone predators, Patriot Missile Systems, reinforced armor personnel vehicles, combat helicopters and jets which act as a shield on assault missions, advanced tank defense, satellite grids, and body armor.

"Let the Weight of Your Glory Fall" by Paul Wilber

Proverbs 2:7 - "He holds victory in store for the upright . . . "

Do you need a victory in your life? I sure do. Sometimes we lay it all on the line and the rest is up to God. Victories are sweet. Can you look back into your life and pinpoint the major wins? What kind of effort did it take? What did it feel like? Did you know you were going to win?

One quick example that I can think of personally was my graduation from Marine bootcamp. After 3 tough months of training, separation from my family, and all I held dear, graduation day rocked. Marine bootcamp is like no other. We weren't off on weekends, only allowed to make two calls (one to notify our loved ones we had arrived and one to tell them we were graduating). Every moment thereafter was regulated and overseen by our series drill instructors. Our lives were under a microscope.

On graduation day, the drill instructors brought in a "boom box" and played some cool music as we were dressing for the graduation ceremony (until that time, we weren't allowed music or the freedom of this day). That music really perked up our platoon and the excitment level was amazing. We were finally Marines. Our personal and corporate confidence was invencible. At that moment, Platoon 2019 Marine Corps Recruit Depot was the best platoon in the world!

Proverbs 2-12 - "Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse, . . ."

No one likes to be taken advantage of. One of the most uncomfortable situations we must all deal with from time to time is buying a car (new or used). We are often warned about "used car" salesmen and we don't want to be upside down on new car purchase. Unless you are in the business, you really are at a disadvantage. Fortunately, the internet may help you do research. You can get advice from trusted friends, check out reviews, get a mechanics analysisa and recommendations, etc. The difficult part is the negotiation, trying to figure out the best deal.

Now, think about all of the other complex decisions we have to make in life (i.e., doctors, finances, family, business, friendships, etc.). How do you build trust? How do you discern the trustworthiness of those you deal with?

On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!

Andy Valadez

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