Began 9.12.08, follow the author and blog readers on a two year journey through Proverbs. Read the Proverbs chapter of the day (there are 31 chapters). Comment on what stood out to you. The journey never ends.
Do people go to Heaven without accepting Jesus Christ as their savior?
Seeing the world through God's eyes. Understanding what is true, right, or lasting.
Radio and TV Personality, Stealth Marketer/The Marketing Evangelist and Blogger has a passion and zeal for Marketing and what it does for companies and people. Marketing Dynamics focuses on helping its clients take advantage of the principles of Marketing while avoiding the overdone. Mr. Valadez is a visionary, volunteer, husband and father and a believer of good over evil. He served honorably in the United States Marine Corps, serving during Desert Storm/Shield. His faith in Christ drives him to achieve the seemingly impossible and demonstrate the power of God to affect our lives in all areas.
"A man's pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor."
Proverbs 29:23
Is it foreign to bow down and worship God? It is said that the most powerful postion one can take, when it comes to God, is to bow down before him. Acknowledging that he reigns supreme, to lay prostrate before him stronger. When we bow or lay before our father, we are basically surrendering all to him and allowing him to work on our behalf. He ministers to our soul, to our life. When we bow, we lose our pride. When we fall, we are already on the ground. God is gracious to hear us, when in earnest we seek to be what he has called us to be.
"We Bow Down"
Proverbs 29:1 - "A man who remains stiffnecked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed - without remedy."
When it is too late, it is too late. Atheist work hard at not believing that there is a God. Their necks are "stiff." My pastor once said "Atheists must be careful what they read or they will uncover their ignorance." It will be curious to me one day to see how God handles those who forced themselves not to believe what history has revealed over the ages. That in fact, there is a God and he reveals himself in so many ways through his word, through his son's sacrfice, the beauty of nature, science and discovery, and through the many miracles in our lives. I do not think that God wants to see any perish, but he has a clear line of separation and his justice is proven.
I think of a man like Saddam Hussein, who did not listen to wise counsel, but believed that his tyranny would endure. In the end, he faced justice by his own people and is no more. Not only did his stubborness cost him his own life, but that of his two sons who participated equally in his tyranny and his followers who bowed before him.
"Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law resist them."
Proverbs 28:4
"The Ten Commandments"
The Ten Commandments mark the first time in 6,000 years of civilization a codification that has guided human civilization ever sense. The Jewish culture are credited for establishing the first system of justice (mandated by God) that has elevated man as a result. The "law" is a reminder that there are absolutes. A rebellious mind despises that and seeks wiggle room. When there is no "wiggle" room, then many want the standards tossed out. This has happened in America, in our court systems. The Ten Commandments have become the "Ten Suggestions." The law is very harsh to those who break it. We are cursed under the law, but fortunately there is a way out.
"Forgiveness" music video
Proverbs 28:9 - "If anyone turns a deaf ear to the law; even his prayers are detestable."
Well I haven't killed anyone, stolen, lied, born false witness, coveted, or committed adultrey, etc. we might say to ourselves.
But upon deeper analysis, we may find that we have done many of these many times over. Especially, if we read the bible to discover just what God means by "kill", "adultery", "idol worship", etc. It is easy in our era to turn a deaf ear to God's calling and the tugging of our hearts. He set the Ten Commandments as a reminder of our nature without God's presence in our life.
Our natural bent is to rebel. Generation after generation has been tested by the law and the law has prevailed. Fortunately, Jesus Christ teaches us that there is forgivness and though we may have to pay the consequences for breaking the law on Earth, we can be forgiven now and in the afterlife. That forgiveness comes at the cross, "foolisheness" to the wise (those that think themselves wise).
"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth."
Proverbs 27:1
I am a dreamer. I can almost see the life I want to build for my family and that really motivates me today, to do the things that may not make sense to others. Most of the people I know are hopeful about their future. However, it is easy to be so pre-ocuppied with tomorrow that we get "boastful" about our future exploits. That is a danger warned about in this verse. Plans change and people change over time. Doors open and doors close.
Yes, I have fallen in the trap of being boastful about the future. When I look back, I see all of that wasted effort, energy, and trust in that particular future (fortunately God saves me from myself).
We are never promised one more day. Let the Lord guide your future. Enjoy the day today, work hard for your future, but stay grounded. Your future in reality, may not be so bright as you think. Life happens.
Part 1: "The Future"
Part 2: "The Future"
Final: "The Future
Proverbs 27:25 - "When the hay is removed and new growth appears and the grass from the hills is gathered in, the lambs will provide you with clothing, and the goats with the price of a field. You will have plenty of goats milk to feed you and your family and to nourish your servant girls."
This verse reminds us that we should plan for our future, but to be grounded in today. We should handle the details of the day with a realization that it does impact our choices for the future. Sometimes it looks like life is menial, but one thing leads to another. I enjoy "vison casting" or visualizing a perfect future and dreaming big dreams, but realize that today is a gift, that there may not be a tomorrow. I have family or friends ask me about things 3-months out and I just tell them "I don't know, I am just trying to get through today." We to often are consumed about future events (some of the bad things that may never happen).
Matthew 6:34 - "Each day has enough trouble of its own."
"Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, honor is not fitting for a fool."
Proverbs 26:1
"The Medal of Honor"
The Medal of Honor is the highest award given in the military for gallantry and intrepidity. The bestowing of this award has gotten more strict over the years with a high majority given posthumously. Therefore, the value of this honor is more esteemed. Yet, many who have received the award, never call themselves heroes for risking life and limb. At the sight of this medal, every General and high-ranking officer must salute the bearer despite his rank, for he has proven his mettle in battle beyond any measure.
Honor on a fool is out of place. It is illegal for a person to wear this medal without it being awarded to them. The FBI prosecutes these imposters. Yet, many will attempt to fraudelently assert that they are a "recipient" of the award.
To honor someone is to state a truth about their character. It resonates in them. Do you know men or women of honor? Do they stand out in a crowd? Probably not, but honor has a way of making itself known.
"What makes a hero?"
Proverbs 26:8 - "Like tying a stone in a sling is the giving of honor to a fool."
I take it one would never tie a stone to a sling. It just doesn't make sense. Do you happen to know of instances where "fools" have been honored? Honor is a special recognition and should come with great care. I can think of many people that I honor for their work in ministry, in business, and those who are family and friends that have done incredible things for others. These verses tell us to reserve our honor. It should be a rare thing, otherwise it loses its value.
"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings."
Proverbs 25:2
Henry Ford with his V-8 Engine (one-piece engine block)
Henry Ford commissioned his engineers to design and build a V-8 block made in one piece (the foundation of his engine). His engineers said it was impossible, but he would hear none of it. He told them to go do it and he didn't care how long it took. The team continued to come back saying it was impossible; however, one day they had great news and the rest is history. Henry Ford then made it possible for Americans to own an automobile and spark the industrial revolution through the organization and distribution of labor.
We live in an era where information is available at our fingertips. Our forefathers didn't have this luxury. What thing is in your mind that you know God wants you to discover? What are you prepared to do to search it out? Ironically, the auto industry is in trouble and many of the leadership have managed to take the matter to congress to solve their dilemma. I submit that they may be searching in the wrong places.
History in the Making, "The Little Old Ford Rambled Right Along"
Proverbs 25:25 - "Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land."
Do you need good news from a distant land? Are you weary? A distant land in times of old probably wasn't that far in today's standards. What kind of good news do you need? Are there any weary souls nearby that could use some good news from you? Good news to a weary soul is great news. When we are weary, we just need that extra ray of hope. It will get us further on our journey, no matter the distance.
Proverbs 24:26 My young girls are enamored with the "Kissing Process." They claim to be experts at 8 and 5 and know all about it. They want to see the "kissing scenes" in the movies when we tell them to close their eyes. We see them peeking through their fingers as they giggle over the steaminess of what their eyes behold, if only for a glimpse. They see mommy and daddy kiss and they can't stand it. They know we love each other, so they know a kiss is something special. It is very affectionate.
Kisses are personal. Americans are friendly. We shake hands normally, hug, and often provide a kiss on the cheek for close friends. A kiss on the lips is a surprise, usually given for great news, very close friends, life saving information, or an incredible change in the outcome of a situation provided by a trusted friend or advisor. It can be unexpected and when done, surprise a friend or close associate.
How open are you to an "honest answer"? If you really care about someone and honest answer is like a "kiss". A special moment, a special word from someone who needs to hear it. Frankness is more curt, it lakes love, compassion, and sincerity to be honest. How do you balance an "honest answer" from "frankness"? Sometimes a tough answer is needed in a situation, those are easier to give. An honest answer takes thought and more difficult to give.
"Rescue" by the Seabirds
Proverbs 24:11 - "Rescue those being being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter."
A 9-1-1 call is an emergency. "Gunman has two hostages." SWAT is called to the rescue. You and I don't really have anyone to rescue? Or do we? As we survey the world, the internet brings us stories of atrocities. It seems that there is something we can do. That takes a personal commitment, like a kiss. We see starvation, disease, drug abuse, abortion, and violence and we may wish there is something that we can do.
I was at the red light the other day and a formerly homeless guy was collecting money for the drug interdiction charity that helped him. I didn't have any money in my wallet, but did have a few sandwich bags with $1.50 in change (that I use for tolls) when I am on the beltway. Well, I rolled down the window and gave him a bag of change. He was very thankful. Then I felt prompted by the Lord and gave him two more (all that I had). As I thought about this verse, it reminded me that, that little contribution would be helpful in the overall battle or at least it reminded me that I must be prepared to give my all in the battle.
Now, I don't advocate giving money to the homeless directly. They need to find their way to the many shelters who are trained and equipped to give them permanent help. The drug rehab charities are doing a great work and many of the homeless shelters would value direct help.
The eagle symbolizes strength, courage, and freedom. Our strength, courage, and freedom doesn't come from from our wealth (or lack of it), it comes from God. He sustains us and gives our spirit ever increasing fortitude and at times, we can feel like we are soaring like eagles. If you have never felt that way, than I submit that you are not truly living. Something is holding you back, it is time to leave the nest and fly.
My journey with the Lord has been an every increasing spiral upward. Sometimes, there are swift altitude and "attitude" adjustments downward, but he is there to spur us upward. When we let go of our agenda, he has the gale force wind push us upward to higher heights. Our trust in him guides our future, our destiny.
I call my two girls "baby eagles". They are helpless now, but each day, each year, they look more like fearsome eagles. We may not feel like eagles ourselves. In fact, some times I feel like a clumsy turkey, stuck on the ground. If only we could see ourselves as God sees us, "his little Eagles, growing fearsome every day." It is time to soar!
"The Death Crawl" from the movie "Facing the Giants"
Proverbs 23:19 - "Listen, my son, and be wise, and keep your heart on the right path."
You and I have been given the gift of leadership "Don't waste it." We have a monumental job in front us, but we have more in us than we realize. When you and I have used up what we think we have, we have more within us. That is our true treasure and value to our Lord. We may find that even when we do wind up in the end zone, the game is not over. The enemy needs to be resoundly defeated and that will take a team effort. The team is called the "Body of Christ". I am ready for a pile on!
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6 "The Runner" Body Worlds by Gunther von Hagens
Our children are our most precious possession. But we don't really own them, they are on loan from God. The bible says our children are "like arrows to the warrior", so train them well.
I used to love to run. I used to run 3 miles a day, lift weighs every other day, and enjoyed my Saturday morning runs in the New Orleans French Quarter, running among the awakening tourists. I would jog up from our apartment through Bourbon Street to Canal Street and back down Decatur Street to our home. Then I would enjoy a hot cup of coffee with my wife after my cool down.
I would feel so free and I do recall that I would just hang on to Christ, thanking him for every mile, every breath, and the second win I sometimes needed to go the extra distance.
I still value those moments, when I feel on top of the world, and the Lord is putting the wind in my sails. Check out this amazing testimony from Ryan Hall. Life is a marathon. We need to let go of the issues that hold us back and turn it on for God.
"The Ryan Hall Story" Olympic Marathon Runner
Proverbs 22:11 - "He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend."
We often look to other's as kings and we will have some of this people as friends. The American culture values its celebrities, its successful people, and we welcome the opportunity to brush up against greatness. I value my database of contacts and the numbers in my cell phone database. Great people that I can call, high and low. Too often, we forget our relationship with the "King of Kings". He isn't in our blackberry, our Facebook, or Twitter account. We have instant access to the most high. This is a great reminder that we don't need to focus on impressing others, although if our "heart is pure and our speech is gracious" we will reflect the vary nature of Christ and we will have many kings as friends.
"A fortune made by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and a deadly snare."
Proverbs 21:6
My family loves Chinese food and the favorite part of the meal is getting the fortune cookie and reading our fortune. Many of the Chinese proverbs seem to match our perceived outlook and way of life. Most are positive and we laugh and agree with the glimps of the future blessing.
A friend once said that someone needs to come up with a "misfortune" line of cookies which may read "Your fortune is not so bright, please take another cookie." of course the next wouldn't be very favorable either. He believes, we may need a good dose of humility in our outlook.
We all want and expect a bright future. We may be saving for our future and may be working on building a financial fortune. Many fortunes are built on a lie and schemes are being prepared to separate us from our money.
The stock market crash can be traced to the idea of "affordable housing" which relaxed the rules on mortgage qualifications. It made it easy for people to qualify for loans they couldn't afford and some smart and savvy people accepted this and allowed for whole markets to be created around it. Then "group think" set in and more believed that the investments they were making in these loans were sound, then collapse - "a fleeting vapor". The country is reeling from this, blaming it all on greed, but in reality it was a lie from the onset. Those who were to blame are in "hiding' and in "blame" mode.
Anothe example, the lottery. I have never played the lottery with my own money. I have had friends buy me a ticket for "Christmas". When is a lie, a lie? The statistical chances of winning the lottery are so low, that is almost a lie or is it a lie? Many of the winners find that the events of their lives change so drastically that they don't know how to cope. Their fortune turns into a misfortune. Finally, the money and that fund was originally created to help some need is never fulfilled and then the taxes are raised on the people who supported the lottery legislation and those who didn't.
"Lose Your Life" music by the Blackstone
Proverbs 21:5 - "The hands of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to proverty."
There are no get rich quick opportunities. There are great ideas, plans, and partnerships that can lead to explosive wealth. In the end, it does take work and diligence, long-term sacrifice. Sam Walton didn't really start to accelerate his vision until he was 45, but he had been working on his plan for many, many years and already had a plan in mind. His tenacity and diligence lad to a critical mass that ultimately lead to explosive sustainable growth. He is long gone and his company continues to grow. I don't know if Mr. Walton was a Christian, but his life has helped so many Americans and now the world to save money and make their lives so much better.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez e-mail:
A must read for any entrepreneur, on growing great a company.
"A sluggard does not plow in season; so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing."
Proverbs 20:4 Have you ever been behind a plow? I have not, but I have worked on a farm with a friend of mine one summer when I was about 10. It was great being on the ranch until wake-up call at 5:00am. We ate a big, homemade breakfast with fresh eggs over easy, real bacon straight from the hog farm, grits, coffee, fresh squeezed orange juice, and home baked bread toast with jelly preserves. Breakfast was incredible. Then it was time to get to work and we did work all day. The other meals were just as fantastic after a hard days' work.
We had varied duties throughout the morming and afternoon like gathering feed bags to feed the hogs, we administered iron shots to newborn pigs, sexed the piglets (cut the tails off of the females for easier identification), walked the 10,000 turkeys (pull out the dead ones that got smothered during the night), and drive the tractor to plow up the soil. I enjoyed driving the tractor best. I felt like real rancher.
It is hard for me to imagine what it must be like to have to plow a field with a horse (or without one). That kind of work takes grit and determination. Yet, we are called to do just that in our business, at work, and for the expansion of the Kingdom. Have you spent some time plowing for the Kingdom? What kind of harvest are you expecting?
"Serve and Lazy" skit
Proverbs 20:13 - "Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare."
Have you ever tried to sleep with one eye open? I have, it doesn't work. While processing through Marine bootcamp in 1988, there was no time to rest. In the classroom, one could at least try to "fake" attention while trying to catch even just 1 minute of sleep. The object was to keep one eye open and close the other. Embarassing as it was, it was worth risking at the time it seemed. Of course, the drill instructors would catch an unsuspecting recruit like me and make a submission payment for the "snooze" that was darn right unbearable. Thus the saying the Marine Corps, "You snooze, you lose."
I think this Proverb encourages us to have a strong work ethic. There is always one more thing we can do, push our limits a little more, get something done, and benefit for that sacrifice. The 1% difference between overwhelming success and mediocrity. Time to dig in even further.
"It is not good to have zeal without knowledge . . ."
Proverbs 19:2
There is so much we do not know about God. We may have a zeal for him, but not truly understand his nature. He is indescribable, explosive, vibrant, fearsome, ever present, dangerous, and more. To be knowledgeable, we must seek him out and to study his ways, discern his activity in our world, and follow him. This journey never ends.
"Indescribable" live in the Netherlands with Chris Tomlin
Proverbs 19:11 - "A man's wisdom gives him patience, it is to his glory to overlook an offense."
From time to time, I remember my Uncle Steve, a former World War II paratrooper. He was one of the most patient men I ever knew. He used to tell me "Take your time, it will all get done, just take your time." He was diligent in his work, made time for breaks, and just always seemed at peace, never in a rush. So, I will remember him occasionally and "just take my time."
In our culture, we may be in a hurry to "blast" people for their failures. "Drop them like a hot potato" and cut off communication with people for a mistake made on their part. "Our time is valuable" we say to ourselves and to others, but we loose something when we get so impatient and discount people too quickly.
Some of my most valuable business relationships have taken years to build. A lot of water under the bridge before we have finally connected in a way that has built trust. You can find fair weather friends all day long, but bad weather friends are hard to find and hard to keep. You have to forgive a lot of people to be counted as trustworthy, dependable, respected, and esteemed and every now and then you might even be forgiven for your past mistakes. Be patient.
Want to see God, get a glimpse here: <Indescribable> (incredible 42 minute analysis)
"A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great."
Proverbs 18:16
Are you generous? Do you look for ways to give? Have you ever given your last dollar to someone in need? Sometimes it is hard to give money, time, or influence, but their is a unique principal in this. God is a giver, plain and simple. He really does give us more than we deserve. Our lot in life is unique to us. For whatever reason, our set of circumstances were given to us. It seems that we are the only people equipped with the ability to help others who really need our help. No matter how big or small our contributions, it can mean the world to only that person or population group (some of us are more blessed with resources than others, whole nations can benefit from their generousity). We may not even be aware of our impact, but God is.
Sure there are deceitful people and they will take advantage of you and the situation. They are takers. Give anyway and see what happens to you. Proverbs promises great things, to be ". . . usher[ed] into the presence of the great!" Powerful!
"Better is One Day in Your House" with Kutless LIVE in Poland
Proverbs 18:24 - "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
Do you have a friend that you can call day or night for any reason and he or she will be there (married guys need to be careful about having close female friends)? Have you ever had to call them? Are you the type of friend who "sticks closer than a brother"?
I don't know if I have friends that "stick" closer than a brother or if I have been that kind of friend. This is a great reminder to build and seek out those people now, who are friends in the good times and the bad.
One of my close friends is a formerly homeless guy named Bill Adams. He has my cell phone and I have his. We have made a pact to pray for each other, to keep in touch every week, and be available. He doesn't have much, but his prayers and encouragement mean the world to me. As we pray for each other, we can see God at work in each other's lives.
"Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife."
Proverbs 17:1
Thanksgiving is fast approaching (one of my favorite holidays). I have had many great memories of feasts and thanks given over the years. I love sitting at big tables with lot's of people, each engaged in pleasant conversation and joyful to participate at the banqueting table. It is hard for me to imagine a table full of strife on this special day, but I imagine it must happen.
Now it is easy to be celebratory on special occasions. The day to day life is much harder. I have been at a table of strife on the journey to get through the day. I'm tired, my wife is tired, and the kids are cranky. We rush to put a meal on the table. Life is give and take and strife can emerge when we are only interested in taking (and we do have those days).
My girls are curious about why we pray over every meal. I love my youngest's answer "We want to pray over our meal, in case it got poisoned." That is one way to ensure that many of your meals are peaceful. It is a subtle reminder that God is in control and he has supplied our natural needs as well as our spiritual.
"Fresh Air for Christ" a narration by John Greene
Proverbs 17:14 - "Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out."
I once took my family for a little dock fishing trip. While we were there, a man accidently knocked another man's fishing pole in the water while he was docking his boat. The other man took offense and began to get upset and was starting to insult the other. Rather than drop the matter and resolve it, the two began to get into shouting match, which upset my wife and scared my two girls. We packed up and left as the two guys continued to threaten each other. I hope they didn't take it further, but we didn't stick around to find out.
I got the feeling that the guy who started the squabble had been in other skirmishes in his life. He had a chip on his shoulder. He felt wronged and wanted to take it out on somebody. His wife who was trying to console him, had been down this path before. I felt sorry for their family as we left, his daughter was crying and the whole family was trying to talk this man out of his anger.
"A violent man entices his neigbor, and leads him down a path that is not good."
Proverbs 16:29
From the movie "End of the Spear"
Chance are you and I have never had to test our faith like many who have gone before us. Many of these faith stories are truly inspiring. To have such faith requires sacrifice and a shedding of our own will and agenda (that is really difficult). To be truly righteous is a life's work.
When reading Proverbs, I find that I have to place myself at a point of desparation. Placing myself in the shoes of others or visualizing a time of great need. Actor/evangelist Kirk Cameron likens it to "lion's den faith". Fervant prayer avails much.
I do recall watching the movie "End of the Spear". A movie about missionaries who chose to lay down their life for their faith. They had weapons to protect themselves, but they chose to reach out to a warrior tribe and died in their obedience to Christ. Their blood sacrifice led to an open door to reach this tribe forever.
Now, I am a former Marine and my inclination is to "lock and load" on target when facing dangerous people. It is hard for me to imagine, the faith it takes to trust in the Lord for the outcome. Found this incredible story, where the outcome wasn't so bleak, but risky none the less.
The Story of Missionary E. P. Scott, "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name"
Proverbs 16:6 - "Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for; through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil."
To be faithful is to be in constant communication with our father. I often find myself second guessing my actions. Did I make the right choice? What is the eternal impact of decisions I will be making? Lord help me to make the right choice. How can we avoid evil? The Lord says to fear him. To love and to be faithful.
I am so thankful God holds everything in the balance. We see our microcosm of life and even in that, we don't have a clue. He manages the whole universe and we dare to question outcomes. The value of prayer is becoming a heightened need in my life. To seek out wisdom, to ask for discernment, to repent of my errors, to seek favor, to value righteousness. The Lord is prepared to use us and the most dangerous prayer one can pray is "Lord use me!" Are you willing to fulfull your calling in in the Kingdom? Would you dare ask God "to use you"? I dare you.
"Lord Move Me" by FFH
Proverbs 15:6 - "The house of the righteous contains great treasure, but the income of the wicked brings them trouble."
As I read this verse, I thought of all of the hope and plans that fill my home. If you were to count all of your blessings, you would see this to be true (try making a list). If God is going to use us, then he has great plans for our development. He has already deposited a great treasure in us in his son.
I dream big dreams, I see God doing wonderful things in my family. I can't explain it, but I have always believed that he has a plan for me, my wife, and my children. I see him doing wonderful things with family and friends, in our nation, and around the world. Now is the time to step forward.
We believe God for great miracles and hold nothing back. We get glimpses of what he has planned and it makes us want to work that much harder. He is indeed everywhere.
I occasionally enjoy eating raw oysters. I once found a small pearl in one my oysters to my amazement. Pearls are made from an irritation. A grain of sand gets caught in the oyster's skin (so to speak) and it begins to excrete "mother of pearl" (I am sure there is a scientific name for this process, but I don't know it) over the sand grain until a pearl is formed.
We have heard of the "school of hard knocks". Similarly, wisdom may come at a great price. Many may have a string of "wisdom pearls".
"Holy, Holy" by Paul Wilbur
Proverbs 14:5 - ". . . but knowledge comes easily to the discerning."
It is so easy to get distracted and head off on the wrong track. I find myself stopping and asking God if I am on the right road. I have to tell myself "It's time to pray" or I may ask "Am I doing the right thing here Lord?" or "What should I do Lord?". It is hard to ask for advice and sometimes harder to take it. We think we know everything (or at least I do to often). Still, others have their "tuner off" and you have to help them to discover the right answer. What is the balance and how do we get to the pearl?
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."
Proverbs 13:12
As I write this, my cousin Richard Valadez (42), struggles in ICU. He has had open heart surgery four times in two months to repair a heart pump that keeps slipping out of his heart as he waits for his heart transplant. He has a beautiful wife and three wonderful kids and a community that is lifting him in prayer as he awaits his miracle.
He is a Godly man and I know that the Lord will use this whole scenario to bring others to Christ. Please lift him up in prayer. Would love nothing better than to share his miracle with you on this blog.
Proverbs is a magnifying glass of decisions. Solomon reveals to us the choice we have at hand. Wisdom and knowledge give life to our being. So, if you have knowledge, but lack wisdom then you are lacking. The man in this video got a second chance. He has an amazing testimony.
Story of a Man Who Died and Comes Back to Life, the Reality of Heaven and Hell
"Choose Life" by Big Tent Revival
Proverbs 13:9 - "The light of the righteous shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out."
This visual painted by the gentlemen's testimony is incredible. Will your light be snuffed out? It is so easy to get caught up in the cares of this world. When the reality of our days before the Lord is at hand, the seriousness of our choice is made clear.
"Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant than pretend to be somebody and have no food."
Proverbs 12:9 "The Prodigal Son" by Liz Lemon
The righteous and the wicked are so at odds. We often take our inheritance now, a substitute for the long-term benefit. Our country faces insurmountable debt and people are hurting - they need God to intervene, but they don't know him. The average American is $10,000 in hoc. We loved credit, we squandered the money, and we are left holding a big bill that compounds the interest like a ticking bomb. How do we get out of our mess, we wonder?
Well, we realize that we have to make things right with our father, that is what. Like the prodigal son, we realize that we just want to know what is right. We are willing to take the lowliest position. We wonder how we could have been so stupid and how we could have veered so far off course. Fortunately, our father does love us and he welcomes us with open arms.
"When God Ran" by Phillips, Craig, and Dean
Proverbs 12:15 - "The way of the fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice."
Are you, your worst advisor? We need more advice from the right sources. Who can best help you today to get you where you need to be? Ask.
People really want to help most of the time. I have found, the more you help people, the more they are willing to help you. Who can you help today? I am about asking these days. I need help and am open to receiving counsel and instruction from many who I respect in business, in their service to the Lord, and their desire to help others. Sometimes, we need to stop and listen. What is God saying?
"When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; . . ."
Proverbs 11:10
Reading Proverbs 11 makes one want to be counted as the righteous (a gut check to see if we are indeed righteous). However, many times we find that we stumble through setbacks in our lives, impeded, slowed down, and sidelined. We get frustrated (or at least I do). My heart's desire is to be a blessing to God; however, my zeal and fervor may be focused on the wrong things. I may be in a hurry to get something done only to find that is isn't the right time or the right project. Wasted time and energy all together.
Are we among the wicked at times, against God's plans? We may mean well; however, in the grand scheme of things our plans may actually be against what God has planned. Fortunately, he is patient to allow us to discover our error in judgment. The wicked in Proverbs never discover their error. They cling to their way to the bitter end. The righteous are always working on their "tuner", working to get it right, to be in God's favor and to lead from one blessing to the next. When we fail, our father is there to encourage us when we seek him.
"A New Hallelujah" by Michael W. Smith
Proverbs 11:2 - "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
Michael Angelo was celebrated for sculpting "David". He was lauded and yet, he took no credit. He maintained that the beauty of the work was already within the marble throughout the ages. He merely chipped away the stone to reveal what lay beneath. He realized that God gave him a gift. It is easy to allow pride to sneak in and claim more power, intellect, and vision than we really have. It is better to be humble in all things. Amazing is how tightly he communicated with God as he chiseled out a great work. Can we achieve that type of dialogue?
"When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever."
Proverbs 10:25
"Heavenly Rain" by Jojoor (
Proverbs 10 is a contrasts of the righteous and the wicked. The prudent and wise stand to gain favor, hope, life, and withstand the torrential blessings.
I love the sound of rolling thunder, feeling the the breeze, and anticipating a steady rain. It is wonderful when the Lord pours himself out on his worshipers, when one feels all is well. We just want to drench ourselves in his love and favor. His preservation and power manifests and changes our lives. Like playing in the rain as a child, we just say "Let it rain!"
"Let it Rain" by Michael W. Smith (Live on TBN)
Proverbs 10:24 - "What the wicked dread will overtake him, what the righteous desire will be granted."
I needed to read that. I feel like I have worked so hard, that I need to ask God to intervene and help me, to grant my desire. Of course, I want my desires to be in tune with his purpose. I want to be a blessing to his Kingdom. What are your desires? Will you ask God to grant them?
"Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you . . ."
Proverbs 9:8
I am not a pastor or bible scholar. I write much of what I write in order to further my own faith walk, hoping that my personal insights and experience may help others. I do seek counsel from trusted believers to help me to understand what God is saying to his people in these times. The wisdom journey can be taken by anyone and I believe God has a message for each of us that will help you to discover his "biblical world view". My pastor, in his message in church today, gave the definition for wisdom:
"Seeing the world through God's eyes."
Proverbs 9 reveals that we should not waste our time on mockers and fools. Wisdom opens the doors for those who seek it and has a wonderful feast prepared for us.
On the subject of wasting time, I have been doing some research on the "persecuted church" and "end times prophecy". I was recommended by a friend to visit "Voice of the Martyrs" ( They do offer news of the day on what is happening the body of christ.
We find that the world is very intolerant of the message of Christ and 60% of the body is currently enduring persecution and tribulation. What we take for granted, they must fight for each and every day.
"The Persecuted Church" music by Decyfer Down
Proverbs 9:12 - "If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer."
I do believe we may be living in the end times. No one knows for sure, but the chatter is in the air. We are called to be on the look out for our redeemer and to be prepared. If these are the end times, the time is ticking. Secure your own understanding of the world through the eyes of God.
Will we be called to pay the price of persecution for standing for the name of Jesus? Are you currently being persecuted for standing for Christ?
"I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep."
Proverbs 8:27
The inquisitive mind of Albert Einstein led to the discovery of "The Big Bang Theory". Mr. Einstein, arguably the smartest man who ever lived, realized that there is a God. His journey of knowledge kept him in awe. He likened our place in history as a people who have been placed in a "giant library" surrounded by books in many languages. There must be an author, he deducted.
On Albert Einstein, BlueFish.TV
Proverbs 8:10 - "Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, . . ."
If given a choice, would you choose an ounce of silver or gold or a chance to learn something that would change your life forever in eternity? Gold recently traded at $735.25 an ounce, while silver traded for $10.13 in the American market. Similarly, let's raise the stakes and raise the amount to 100 ounces of silver or gold - that is 6.25 pounds of precious metal.
If you answered yes to the heavy metal, here is a little more information.
What if the gold was stolen? Also, by the way, by taking the gold or sliver, you also lose 10 years of your life. This verse teaches us to choose wisdom and knowledge over what seems to be valuable at the time.
Have you ever chosen financial gain over what God has planned for you? I know I have. Sadly, I recall choosing to work late and attend company gatherings over spending time with my newborn child. My wife handled the parenting details by herself. I missed out on special moments with my daughter that I will never regain. I wish I could turn the time back, but I can't. Fortunately, I have really focused on being involved in my children's spiritual growth and feel so blessed to have awaken from my mistake early (thank God).
Finally, Albert Einstein brought so much value to mankind through his scientific findings. In the end, faith is valuable to our Lord. I think he enjoys sharing his wisdom with us and doesn't want us to miss any opportunity he has planned for us.
Authors Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti, Roadside Attractions presents HOUSE, a Christian-themed supernatural thriller descending into theaters nationwide on Nov. 7. The film has received a controversial R rating by the MPAA, and with more than 350,000 books sold, the highly anticipated film is creating a buzz around the country from Dekker and Peretti fans anxious to see the movie version of this bestseller. A Robby Henson film.
"A riveting thriller, HOUSE puts a hauntingly familiar face on evil as you begin to realize that the only way out is . . . in."
". . . guard my teachings as the apple of your eye."
Proverbs 7:2
Do you feel far away from God today? Things just don't seem right. In my spirit, I feel very encouraged by the movement I see in the Kingdom. I worry for non-believers and believers who have succommed to the deception of the age.
Many have been praying to usher in a Godly direction for our nation and for the world, but it just seems that there are so many setbacks. We are engaged in a spiritual war, a hurricane of activity, and perils like never before. If you have been a stranger to holiness, it is past time to get focused. It is time to awaken to the battle we are engaged in. Darkness has no dominion over the body of Christ.
I have never felt the need to pray so strongly. The past two or three months, I have utterly been helpess to do much other than really seek and beg God to give me direction in my little part of the universe. My only desire is to kneel down and pray and to pray continously for our country, my family, my business, and my neighborhood. Guard your heart. Where is God leading you today? Draw near to him and he will draw near to you.
"Stranger to Holiness Taking Heaven by Storm" by Steve Camp
Proverbs 7:21 - "With persuasive words she led him astray; she seduced him with smooth talk."
It is amazing to see how many who claim to be within the body of Christ can differ on their beliefs. For example, the plight of the unborn. Over 50 million unborn have been killed in the United States since Roe vs. Wade and yet many who claim to be a follower of Christ have voted in politicians who continue to allow abortions for any reason, at anytime. There is now a movement to allow it without the consent of a parent for girls age 12. Many of those same informed voters who support these hollow people, attend church regularly. Do they not hear the cries, do they not understand?
These procedures are getting more grotesque. The adultress of abortion has really gotten a hold of world opionion as well. The Lord detests the shedding of innocent blood and this underlying fester in our culture has yet to be dealt with. Until we stop this, I don't see how our country will be healed. 3,000 children will die today in America.
Proverbs 7:26 - "Now then, my sons, listen to me pay attention to what I say. Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths."
There are many issues that assault the body of Christ and our pastors have been muzzled. They are not allowed to comment on political issues or may lose their tax exempt status. We need clarity, a strategy, a knitting of our corporate efforts. How else will we combat the darkness? Pray for Christian unity over the deceiver in these times. Jesus Christ is the hope of the world. We don't hear that often enough. Proclaim it today!
"Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like the bird from the snare of the fowler."
Proverbs 6:5
Do you feel trapped today? Do you feel danger near? For lack of knowledge and wisdom, we fall into a pit - into a snare.
Where is God asking you to walk today? Do you have a sense of urgency? Are you prepared to be diligent to avoid the pitfalls? Like the ant who toils daily with a purpose. To do otherwise is a trap.
There is no time like the present to hear from God in your life. Proverbs 6 has great warnings against folly and adultery.
I need direction today. I want to protect my family, my friends, my business associates, and I do worry about our country. I pray for the rise of the church in these times. Are you free?
"I Am Free" by Newsboys
Proverbs 6:9 - "How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When you will you get up from your sleep."
Do you live a sluggish life? We go to work and maybe spend about 2 to 3 hours actually working. We come home and are wore out from the commute and the responsibilities of running a home. There is no time to volunteer in the church, do ministry, or time to pray. Yet, the world suffers for the lack of influence among the influential. The days do fly by and we may find that we accomplish more or less than we had hoped.
There has been a curiosity around how much of our brain we actually use. Some say we use 100% of our brain, others say we only use 10% of it. Still others, say we have much more potential than we are actually using. Of course, the brain controls our physical movements, thoughts, subconscious, and automatic activity (i.e., heart and lung functions, breathing, blinking, etc.).
When it comes to folly, I think Solomon talks about being productive in all areas of our life. That requires effort - benchmarking, catologing, documenting, leveraging, strengthening, challenging, building endurance - working.
Are you engaged in every area of your life? Do you tire easy? I for one, have some work to do. Pray for strength, resolve, determination, and grit.
Proverbs 6:29 - "So is he who sleeps with another man's wife, no one who touches here will go unpunished."
Here is another warning against adultery. It is mentioned many times in Proverbs. Thought it worth noting. There is always a cost.
"Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave."
Proverbs 5:5
If there were no "Johns'" there would be no prostitutes and vice-verse. The oldest profession in the world is alive and well. The bills have to get paid.
Unfortunately, the underbelly of that scene is very toxic and many women in the sex business are treated like trash. The human trafficking business is really detestable.
Men have a weakness for beautiful women and we often lack the will to control our sexual desires and ultimately many married men do commit adultery (and think nothing of it). Stephen Arterburn wrote "Everyman's Battle" where he recognizes that every man must face their own sexual war. He acknowledges that men can and do succeed.
To complicate matters, men are faced with erotic television programming, Internet sites that cater to every nuance, graphic print media to DVDs, and a culture that encourages infidelity. Our minds are easy targets. We are fascinated by sex and may wind up in the danger zone.
The burning question? What is all the concern about adultery, sexual promiscuity, deviancy, etc. from the Christian right and others (yes, other religions warn about the same thing)? Why would God make this an issue? I guess if he does, we must learn about what is permissible and what is not. Fortunately, there is grace and we can recover from a past we aren't proud of and the scars of our historic behavior.
As a married man, I have to fight to control my thoughts, my eyes, and my actions. It doesn't make me a better person, but it helps me to prolong my investment in my marriage and the foundation I am building for my family. Yeah, I can expect zero tolerance from my wife who has come to trust me for making wise decisions. My young girls expect their daddy to behave.
They know daddy is still in love with his girlfriend and wife of 27 years. Their trust means everything to me. To lose that would be so terrible. I don't want to let my girls down.
"Shine" by Newsboys
Proverbs 5:15 - "Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well."
There is so much freedom in marriage to explore and experiment. I think research shows that a healthy sex life in marriage can be incredible. You have to work on your marriage and sex is a very important area to invest and experiment. If you drink from your own well, you don't have to worry about disease, illness, or contamination of all kinds.
Proverbs 5:23 - "He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own folly."
There are men who grow up in errant instruction. Men are taught to have many girlfriends, wives, to be a "Playa", and to not worry about adultery. I think this can lead to generational curses and spiritual bondage. They may even miss that perfect spouse (the hottie that wanted to wait until mariage), regretting it years later. Self-control is one of the fruits of the spirit. It is an area that takes work and it may be worth it. I guess that is what all of the hoopla is all about.
"The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, . . ."
Proverbs 4:18 Each day is a new day for the righteous. Today, may be the worse day of your life, the best day in your life, or a hum drum day. Our future gets brighter and brighter if we walk in the path of the righteousness.
No matter how bad things get we have a hope. Fortunately, we don't have to rely on a person to make us happy. To secure our future.
"Holy is the Lord" with Chris Tomlin
Proverbs 4:5 - "Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them."
Do you recall the best advice you have ever gotten? Hold on to it and seek more.
Proverbs 4:19 - "But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness,; they do not know what makes them stumble."
Have you ever walked at night without a flashlight? That is how the wicked live. The righteous have an advantage over wickedness although it may seem that the wicked seem to rule. It ain't so. Keep moving by his mighty power. The enemy's days are numbered. He stumbles and knows not why.
" . . . when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet . . ."
Proverbs 3:24
I love to sleep. I can take a nap just about anytime during the day. I remember having the best sleep I ever had when I was about 11 years old. I had set-up a camping tent outside of our home and had been playing all day. The weather was looking gloomy and it started to rain. I went inside the tent and drifted off to sleep as the raindrops hit the tent. I could smell the canvass, nestled up in the blankets, and just listened to the rolling thunder, and the breeze of the wind. I fell asleep and awoke to the drizzling rain. I was at peace and just basked in my rest.
Are you tired today? Do you need a nap? Do you need sweet sleep? I'm getting sleepy just thinking about it.
"God of Wonders" with Caedmon's Call
Proverbs 3:1 - "My son do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years."
Bad things do happen to good people. I have lost friends in their teens, 20's, and 30's. My own father died at age 56 of a rare liver cancer. I remember one of my buddies who died at age 15 in a car wreck, another high school friend died serving in the military at age 18, another whose heart exploded while training for the MS150 in his early 30's (leaving behind a beautiful family), and yet another who died of leukemia in his late 20's also leaving behind a young family. Unfortunately, in this fallen world, there is physical death for a season. However, we know that while the enemy brought death and destruction to our world, we do have an advocate.
We are never gauranteed one more day, but we have been given a guide for longevity and it is a prescription for the righteous life and we must not forget the after life. We have an eternity to think about. While many blame God for calamity, they forget about eternity. It ain't over when it's over.
Proverbs 3:8 - "This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones."
Seeking wisdom is like bringing nourshiment to your soul. I enjoy eating good, fresh fruits, nuts, fruit and vegetable juices, whole grains, delicous meats, vitamins, plenty of water, etc. God thought of everything when he made us. He brought nutrituion, the idea of rest, wisdom to nurture our souls, relationships, adventure, and exercise. Everything we need to live a healthy and full life.
" . . . he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, . . . "
Proverbs 2:7
From time to time, I enjoy watching reality-based shows like "America's Most Wanted", "Cops", "Smoking Gun: America's Dumbest Criminals", and "Forensic Files".
One story stood out over the weekend. A guy got pulled over for drunk driving. He was on probation and was just released from jail 2 days earlier. He begged the police offer not to arrest him. Well, the police officer arrested him anyway put him in the patrol car. The squad car audio was on recording him. The guy was crying out "I dont' want to go to jail!".
He then begged Jesus Christ to save him. He said "I will convert to Jesus Christ, just let me out of here". He went on to beg Jesus, etc. It was really laughable. Poor guy. It was like God withdrew his shield and it was time for this guy to re-learn a lesson.
I think there are many who want to use Christ as an emergency parachute. There back up plan is to call on the Lord only when they have no other option. I don't know if that plan will work.
The use of a shield requires thoughtful and pre-planned application. One must be trained in its use, be prepared to use it, and use it tandom with others on the battle line. There are many famous battles in history where the shield has made the decisive victory. The Romans were known for their tactics in battle with the use of the shield.
Military shields today are very high-tech with the use of drone predators, Patriot Missile Systems, reinforced armor personnel vehicles, combat helicopters and jets which act as a shield on assault missions, advanced tank defense, satellite grids, and body armor.
"Let the Weight of Your Glory Fall" by Paul Wilber
Proverbs 2:7 - "He holds victory in store for the upright . . . "
Do you need a victory in your life? I sure do. Sometimes we lay it all on the line and the rest is up to God. Victories are sweet. Can you look back into your life and pinpoint the major wins? What kind of effort did it take? What did it feel like? Did you know you were going to win?
One quick example that I can think of personally was my graduation from Marine bootcamp. After 3 tough months of training, separation from my family, and all I held dear, graduation day rocked. Marine bootcamp is like no other. We weren't off on weekends, only allowed to make two calls (one to notify our loved ones we had arrived and one to tell them we were graduating). Every moment thereafter was regulated and overseen by our series drill instructors. Our lives were under a microscope.
On graduation day, the drill instructors brought in a "boom box" and played some cool music as we were dressing for the graduation ceremony (until that time, we weren't allowed music or the freedom of this day). That music really perked up our platoon and the excitment level was amazing. We were finally Marines. Our personal and corporate confidence was invencible. At that moment, Platoon 2019 Marine Corps Recruit Depot was the best platoon in the world!
Proverbs 2-12 - "Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse, . . ."
No one likes to be taken advantage of. One of the most uncomfortable situations we must all deal with from time to time is buying a car (new or used). We are often warned about "used car" salesmen and we don't want to be upside down on new car purchase. Unless you are in the business, you really are at a disadvantage. Fortunately, the internet may help you do research. You can get advice from trusted friends, check out reviews, get a mechanics analysisa and recommendations, etc. The difficult part is the negotiation, trying to figure out the best deal.
Now, think about all of the other complex decisions we have to make in life (i.e., doctors, finances, family, business, friendships, etc.). How do you build trust? How do you discern the trustworthiness of those you deal with?
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."
Proverbs 1:7
It's the first of the month. A new day, a new slate. Today, as I think about Proverbs and the journey so far, I see Wisdom offering many insights, like color to our life. There are many flavors, nuances, and blessings hidden in our life's story. Through Wisdom, we are able to let go and journey to its discovery. Each day offers new hope, new adventures, and an opportunity to discover God's plan for our lives.
I find myself listening more, commenting less, but speaking to each matter according to the situation. Proverbs 1 prefaces this trek and the reason for its pursuit and its encouragement to stay in its protection.
"Strong Tower" by Kutless
Proverbs 1:10 - "My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in them."
A sinner is someone who continues to go against God's word and is unrepentant (they seek no reason to stop their wayward behavior). Sinners in the initial verse may even organize and share a fortune corporately. The bible says we are all sinners that Jesus Christ can take away our sin and that we will be made perfect on that perfect day.
In a lawless society, this verse focuses on those who plot "ill-gotten gain" by physical harm. We are called to resist those who plot harm to others.
It seems that as long as there is human interaction, there will always be those who seek to take advantage of others either through direct involement and confrontation, dishonest business practices, and legislatively. The Government does make laws that harm the people at large and often seem at odds with God's law (i.e., abortion, legalization of prostitution, unfair taxation, assault against marriage and the family, and more). However, there are those that think that Government should take on a greater role, overlooking personal responsibility, and the role of the Church. What do you do to resist those that plot to harm others?