Began 9.12.08, follow the author and blog readers on a two year journey through Proverbs. Read the Proverbs chapter of the day (there are 31 chapters). Comment on what stood out to you. The journey never ends.
Do people go to Heaven without accepting Jesus Christ as their savior?
Seeing the world through God's eyes. Understanding what is true, right, or lasting.
Radio and TV Personality, Stealth Marketer/The Marketing Evangelist and Blogger has a passion and zeal for Marketing and what it does for companies and people. Marketing Dynamics focuses on helping its clients take advantage of the principles of Marketing while avoiding the overdone. Mr. Valadez is a visionary, volunteer, husband and father and a believer of good over evil. He served honorably in the United States Marine Corps, serving during Desert Storm/Shield. His faith in Christ drives him to achieve the seemingly impossible and demonstrate the power of God to affect our lives in all areas.
My wife and I have been married going on 21 years. It has taken me years to realize just how lucky I am to have found a Proverbs 31 woman. We met back in 1981 and I basically have taken my wife for granted. She was more like a friend for many years and I was oblivious about the ever increasing value of the dynamics of our marriage. The years get better and better (or at least I think so, I guess I better ask my wife to be sure we are on the same page).
We married in 1988, struggled through our first years of marriage in our first apartment together 550 miles from mom and dad. We both supported each other through college, our careers, and ultimately had our first two children in our thirties. Raising children together adds a whole new realm to the joy of a having a family.
Now, that things are kind of settling down, we realize the blessing that we have in each other and our new responsibilities. My wife has really dedicated herself over the years (without my knowledge) to be the woman in Proverbs 31 (and it shows). I love the last verse of this chapter.
I realize that their are many who have marital strife and divorce happens. I think a lot can be gained when we read Proverbs 31. My wife recently read Proverbs 31 for 31 days. I think it really helped us to zero in on what we are called to do as a team.
"Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
" . . . locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks;"
Proverbs 30:27
Swarming locusts are unstoppable, focused, and on mission. I imagine the church of Christ busy moving forth and bringing in the Kingdom. We never stop, we never sleep, we never give up, we push forward. However, we do have a king.
Solomon in his wisdom, decides to order the splitting of a baby when confronted by two mothers, both claiming their child. One was telling the truth, the other was not. One was righteous, the other was not. When he drew his sword, the righteous one stood out. Oh to have that kind of wisdom.
Our country is divided in this election. Each group views the other as lacking righteousness and judgment. Clearly people think they are right in their choice; however, there are still those who can't decide. I heard a pastor speak and warned his paritioners to vote "The Bible".
The bible has been called the "sword" and offers insight. I won't tell you how to vote here, but one candidate stands for right and the other does not. You decide.
I pray for our country and this election.
"Man on the Street on Righteousness"
"Praise You in the Storm" by Casting Crowns
Proverbs 29:1 - "A man who remains stiffnecked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed without remedy."
A stiffnecked person is like a peacock. He struts around arrogantly. Have you seen him? Can you think of a few stiffnecked people who have fallen suddenly? How do we avoid their fate? A stiffnecked person is rigid and has to move his whole body to see. That is what Solomon calls a person who lacks wisdom and understanding. They refuse to listen and discern their situation and suffer for it. Are we stiffnecked?
Proverbs 29:4 - "By justice a king gives a country stability, but one who is greedy for bribes tears it down."
Many politicians and executives routinely show up in the news, caught up in investigations for taking bribes or unethical financial dealings. A guy in my neighborhood will receive his sentencing this Friday for embezzlement in our Municipal Utility District. The guy claimed to be a Christian and seemes like a good person, he was always friendly and kind to people.
He served as a board member and was part of a sting where another board member were claiming expenses for their position that shouldn't have been submitted. It made the news all over our city. I am praying for this guy. His decisions will impact him for the rest of his life and created a lot of turmoil in our subdivision.
Justice requires thought about the consequences of our actions and our decrees. It is amazing how God protects us from ourselves. Still, there are times in our lives when justice (in our favor) seems to have eluded us. We never really want the justice that is not in our favor. Life is a balance. Do you feel that life has been fair to you?
Proverbs 29:27 - "The righteous detest the dishonest; the wicked detest the upright"
It's like a see saw. If you stand for righteousness, your attackers will emerge. If you are wicked, the righteous will seek you out to exact justice. So, which is better? Interestingly, all people want justice and righteousness in their favor.
Watched a show about two researches who observed lions in the wild. They had built a plexiglass re-enforced cube that they used as an observation post and placed it near a carcass that had been staged previously. The lions came in to feast and these researchers captured the whole thing on film, close-up.
A mature lion can weigh from 300 to 800 lbs. and can eat 15 to 75 pounds of flesh per day. The guttural roars had the guys on edge (they could feel the hot breath of the curious lions through the air holes) as the hungry lions approached the box, seeking to find a way inside and score another meal (mainly them).
The lion has been written about in the bible as symbol of justice, strength, wisdom, and as a potential adversary. The Romans even used hungry lions to devour Christians in their stadiums as entertainment.
The lion is the king of the jungle. The leader (usually a bigger or bolder lion) maintains order and establishes rank order. They are agile and fearsome. The righteous are compared to a bold lion. Do you feel like a bold lion today?
"King of Glory" by Third Day
Proverbs 28:14 - "Blessed is the man who always fears the Lord, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble."
The older we get, the more "set in our ways" we get. We must examine our lives, look back at our history and discern the changes that God wants us to make. When I look back, I see the rebellion, the anger, and the selfishness. My big prayer is that the Lord would change me, reveal the heart changes that he wants to make. Where does he want to lead us and how can we prepare for the next phase of his walk? It is like rock climbing. We don't want to miss a step. Seek secure paths and wait on his direction.
Proverbs 28:26 - "He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe."
Self-confidence is a valued trait in our culture. This verse reminds us not to trust in our self. We need to pray for wisdom. "We don't know what we don't know" and to act as if we know is a danger. That does not mean we can't have confidence in our expertise and training. We just shouldn't make our "ego" and "self" the center of the universe. We serve at the pleasure of the king and his reign is supreme.
What is the most challenging thing you have ever faced? Many of my friends have dealt with divorce, cancer, financial struggles, addictions, depression, and fear. Are you going through a challenge now? Our struggles on Earth are short when compared to eternity.
"In Christ Alone" with scenes from "The Passion of the Christ"
Proverbs 27:11 - "Be wise, my son, and bring joy to my heart, then I can answer anyone who treats me with contempt.
A parent wants their children to be wise. To live life in service to the creator. We can endure most things knowing that things are well with our children.
Proverbs 27:17 - "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
Have you ever met someone that strengthened you? I have been fortunate to meet men who have challenged my faith, helped me to overcome, and taught to me endure. Who stands out in your life as the strongest person you ever knew?
Have you ever been lied to? No one likes to be lied to. Yet, lying is in our nature. Truth telling is something that has to be modeled, reinforced, followed up, rewarded, and encouraged. Our tendency is to believe a lie or substitute a lie for the truth.
The truth is reinforced in the 10 commandments, upheld by Jesus on the cross, and retold in the bible. We are required to swear-in in court, present "truth-in-advertising", "take an oath of office" in service to the country, or commit in marriage. Our children require the truth. When times get tough, the truth may flee.
Fortunately, we have a God who separates us from the liar and the father of lies. He forgives, refreshes, reinforces, upholds, and keeps our integrity for his purposes.
"Sheep" by Animal Couch
Proverbs 26:4 - "Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself."
"God gave us two ears and one tongue". I have often heard this wonderful saying. My tendency is to speak when I should be silent. A great reminder to avoid foolish discussions.
Proverbs 26:29 - "A lying tongue hates those it hurts, and a flattering mouth works ruin."
A flattering mouth is just as bad as a lying tongue. To flatter someone is to go overboard with the praise and to be in-sincere - "To lay it on thick."
One of my favorite past-times as a kid was shooting my homemade bow (made from a tree branch and heavy-duty nylon string). My father had purchased a nice stack of arrows at a garage sale that had a variety of arrow heads for hunting, fishing, and target practice. He made me a bow and shared with me how he would hunt for game and spend hours in the woods on the hunt.
He let me shoot those arrows in a nearby empty field. Before he turned me loose, he gave me plenty of saftey instructions on how to hold the bow, guide the arrow, and avoid injury to others, etc. I used to love to point my arrows high in the sky to see how far I could let them fly. Finding them in the thick grass was a challenge and part of the fun. I would occasionally scare up a rabbit or a bird and had reason to take aim at my fleeing prey.
I enjoyed shooting arrows for many years, once taking archery in college, and practicing on a bail of hay in the back yard. The invention of the bow and arrow has a deep history in service to mankind. The bible gives plenty of warning about our words and how they pierce.
Proverbs 25:11 - "A word is aptly spoken is like apples of gold in setting of silver."
I found a photo of apples in a silver bowl. The apples looked very inviting and the nicely polished bowl, set for a special occasion, hightened the intrigue. It looked like like luxury. Are you due for a great word?
I think about my cousin Richard (41) who is on a waiting list for a heart transplant. He has been on a 30-day waiting list and word of a heart would be great news to his family and to ours.
Are you withholding a blessing by your words? How can you present a word to someone that will be received as a special arrangement just for them?
Proverbs 25:18 - "Like a club or a sword or a sharp arrow is the man who gives false testimony against his neighbor."
Who is our neighbor? With the advent of the internet, our neighbor is literally anyone around the world. A false word can impact someone's livelihood or prevent a blessing. A false testimony is any untrue statement - either to embellish or to tear down. A club requires little aim and up close delivery (sometimes concealed and brutal), a sword requires more skill and further distance, and an arrow even greater aim, distance, and skill. Have you ever been harmed by someone's lie?
Are you going through tough times? Who isn't? People are on edge. Uncertainty fills the air and something is brewing, so it seems. However, many of my friends have hope. They know that we are on this Earth, but for a short time. We haven't placed our trust in the circumstances of this world.
"My Redeemer Lives" by Nicle C. Mullen
Proverbs 24:12 - "If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength!"
We are living in tough times - earthquakes, fires, disease, floods, hurricanes, financial disasters, wars, threat of terrorist attacks, political and global turmoil, rampant drug use, etc. It seems that there has never been a time like this.
Received an observation by a neighbor after we realized that we were both believers and followers of Christ. He said, "If you don't believe in God, you had better in these times." Peace is not the abscence of trouble. Peace is a calm in the storm when dangerous activity is all around. Knowing that one is secure despite the calamity. Only our father in Heaven promises us an absolute peace like this.
When times get tough, what do you to to overcome? Where do you get your strength?
I did not realize that today was the 25th anniversary of the Marine barracks bombing in Beirut, Lebanon (October 23, 1983). I was 18 when I got the news that a friend, Timothy McMahon, a Marine, was among the 241 service men who were killed on that fateful day. That day changed my life and my focus. In memory of him, I joined the Marines in 1988 and have had many honor filled moments that have inspired me.
This year, the mastermind of the bombing was killed and brought to justice by the "Global War on Terror". Thank you President Bush!
My prayers go out to his family and the other families. These brave heroes gave their lives for our country and our freedom. Today, there are many more on the front lines, serving. Hope you enjoy this video "Letters from War".
Proverbs 23:12 - "Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to words of knowledge."
Do you love to learn new things? Science is proving that an active mind stays sharp and seekers live longer. If you don't use it, you lose it. The love of learning is incredible. A variety of interests helps to further this pursuit.
You can learn a lot about a person, by the way he or she thinks. I enjoy being around other learners, people who are curious.
Proverbs 23:17 - "Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the Lord."
Do you envy sinners? It is so easy to do. My goal is to be in the "zone", seeking what God wants me to do and to not lean on my own understanding. The zone I speak of is the prayer zone, the faith, zone and the miracle zone, the life giving source that gives meaning to the direction of life in service to the Kingdom. When we envy, I think we miss the opportunity to discover and understand that many have yet to tap into their calling. Many have refused to seek and secure their spiritual future. The joy they know today, will be their only joy. There is a limit to all of our days on Earth and in the end it gets down to the treasures we have built in Heaven.
I thank God often, that I have been set free from traps that were controlling my life. Can you think of traps that you have been set free from, that might have consumed your life?
Proverbs 23:25 - "May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave you birth rejoice."
I received an e-mail from one of my cousins today. His son just joined the Navy and they are very proud of his decision to enlist. It must be an incredible joy to raise a son or daughter who decides to serve in the military. I can think of no greater calling for a citizen. The bible has many accolodes for those who serve and I believe veterans harbor a flavor for the country and its history that few will ever know.
I am very thankful to have one of my parents still alive and my wife's parents who have continued to believe in us. As they get older, we are looking to their care. I guess it is the circle of life, we must look to the needs of our parents and be the children that this verse talks about. I hope I have had moments where my father and mother have rejoiced. Who knows? I know I gave them grief.
Life is a series of treasure maps. As a child, our life is fairly careless (depending on your upbringing). I enjoyed being a kid playing cops and robbers, batman and robin, the lone ranger, riding my bike, the cub scouts, hunting in the fields, etc. Eventually came elementary school, junior high, high school, and college, service in the military, marriage, career, and family. Whew!
How do we wind up where we go? Are we following the right map? Are we equipped to read it? There is so much treasure yet to find and new found wisdom. We are an accumulation of our life experiences (much of it we would like to forget). Each day is a new slate, a new map, a new journey. What knowledge are we lacking, how do we get it? Pray for direction and avoid the pitfalls.
"Slow Fade" by Casting Crowns
Proverbs 22:5 - "In the paths of the wicked lie thorns and snares, but he who guards his soul stays far from them."
This verse is like a macro look at one's life. Over the course of 5, 10, 20 or 30 years. How much of it is blessing and how much of it involves thorns? I have had my share of thorns and self-inflicted wounds. I am now more focused on guarding my soul and avoiding the traps, tribulations, and perils. Similarily, sharing that wisdom with my family and friends. How do you guard your soul? What advice do you have for those seeking the same?
Provers 22:7 - "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."
The best case for debt free living. Are you debt free? Well in our soceity, various levels of debt is acceptable. We use it to expand a business, buy a home, a car, big ticket items, and even daily expenses. Emergencies do happen and we even may need to borrow from family and friends. Many people in the U.S. are feeling the pinch. Credit card bills are high, the cost of living is racing, and high taxes of all kinds force a dual income to raise a family. It is a subtle trap.
Our family has struggled to get closer to being debt free. The last four years have been tough, but we have managed. Fortunately, we don't have a car payment and we no longer have the major credit card bills. We do owe on our home and are paying off a few medical bills and auto repairs. It is tough having to rely on our own finances, but it sure beats the alternative. In addition, we are looking to the future and planning for future expenses - taking care of our parents, our kid's college, future medical bills, retirement, etc. The decisions we make now with our money, will detail how comfortable those decisions will be in the future.
Fortunately, the Lord already knows our financial struggles and needs. He already has the answers. Go to him in prayer. He will work out the solutions on our behalf.
Proverbs 22:12 - "The eyes of the Lord keep watch over knowledge, but he frustrates the words of the unfaithful."
Do you have a curious mind? Do you love learning new things? Knowledge and understanding is something that can never be taken away. There are many educated derelicts in our society. Many who have limited knowledge, but act as if they are the intellectual elite. What happens when the masses are unfaithful? People willingly accept a lie for the truth and truth loses its meaning. I see this played out drastically in politics today. Who do you trust in these times? Who is really speaking truth?
Iraq: Major Mark Bieger with deceased child (killed by terrorist bomber) photo by Michael Yon
I remember reading "Tender Warrior" by Stu Weber and "Point Man" by Steve Ferrar. Their books explain how men (like warriors) need to be on guard for their families and others in their circle of influence. I like the idea of a "Tender Warrior" and "Point Man", a dependable merciless defender and a skilled combatant that is capable of compassion when the moment calls for it.
My family and I went to see "Fireproof" (, an excellent movie about the raging battle against marriage and the family. The theme "Never leave your partner behind" is a powerful encouragement to those going through their own personal battles. I enjoyed this old video by Carman, "Revival in the Land".
"Revival in the Land" by Carman
Proverbs 21:2 - "To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice."
My daughter and I watched a movie the other night, "A Conversation with God" (based on a true story). It is about a formerly homeless man (he became homeless due to a broken neck) who discovers God and writes a book about his experience and how God intervened in his life. At one point, he refused to eat food from the dumpster. His hunger got the best of him and he finally broke down to eat a half-eaten hamburger that had been kept in plastic box (as though just for him). He cried as he ate it, a mixed blessing. He enjoyed the flavor of the burger and but was emotional because of the depth he had sunken. To make matters worse, a kid was watching him. However, he had completely let go of his pride and just savored his find.
This reminded me of a time when I was young teenager. I was 16 and worked at a Whataburger in Austin, as a night shift manager. A homeless man came in and wanted to know what time we threw out our food waste. I asked him why he wanted to know and he told me that is when he gets the food from the dumpster. It was the first time I had really encountered the poor and the Lord struck me to show compassion for the man. I told him "Sir, I won't let you eat our waste, but I will buy you a meal." I wasn't expecting it, but he got tearful and very thankful. I enjoyed watching him eat his hamburger with onion rings and a drink. We bonded, although we never saw each other again. It is one of my prouder moments (I had forgotten about it until the movie).
I haven't told my daughter this story, but want to share it with her one day. Do you have an example of a doing something right? Is there something that needs to be done today? You may forget about it, but God won't.
Proverbs 21:21 - "He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor."
I spent some time in Marines as previously posted. Entering that world was a shock. It is a culture of meritocracy, a strict understanding of its history and sacrifice.
The Marines really focus on honor, duty, and integrity and they don't mess around. I have seen young men go to prison for failing to adhere to the Uniform Military Code of Justice or suffer severe penalties for their failures. However, I have seen Marines meritorously promoted, awarded, and rewarded for their self-sacrifice. In the corps, a Marine's honor is everything.
You don't have to be a Marine to pursue righteousness. We hear that word so often, but what does it really mean in our daily lives? Are we pursuing righteousness or are we just letting the days fly by?
Proverbs 21:31 - "The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord."
Throughout military history there have been forces that have been defeated by inferior numbers with inferior equipment. Sun Tzu wrote the book "The Art of War" and he explains many scenarious of why this happens and how to avoid it. Life is a battle, but our victory is assured. I think we are to prepare for battle daily, but we must seek the advice and counsel of the Supreme Commander (that is what the Marine Chaplains call God). Is your horse (figuratively speaking) ready for battle?
I love the idea of being a child of almighty God and being royalty, that through Jesus we will one day be rulers. Little kings now, but mighty kings in the future. Our training ground is here on Earth and we are being prepared for our kingdoms. This is amazing to me.
I don't always feel like much of a king. In fact, I feel like a surf trying to survive the turmoils of this life and unworthy. Maybe we don't realize, the mighty power at our disposal through prayer. We get to enter the throne room of the everlasting and lay our petitions at his feet. He knows our heart, our motives, and our desire to please and honor him.
"He Reigns" by The Newsboys
Proverbs 20:2 - "A king's wrath is like the roar of a lion, he who angers him forfeits his life."
Have you ever heard a lion's roar? The zoo is a safe place to hear one, but even then, it cuts through the soul. A lion looks menacing and majestic as it strides. A king keeps order with his ferocity and judgment. From what I understand, a subject was very careful when approaching the king on a matter. In those situations, one must be truly wise. One's life is at stake. How does God keep from losing his temper with us? We often deserve a severe punishment, but his mercy prevails? We should be a afraid, very afraid. He is dangerous and not safe, but he is good.
Proverbs 20:8 - "When a king sits on his throne to judge, he winnows out all evil with his eyes."
Are you good an winnowing out evil? We come across all kinds of people throughout our day. We may run across murderers, thieves, and abusers all of the time and not even know it. Don't believe me, do a check at (a complete list of sex offenders in your area).
Do you have a heighten "sense of character" meter? How alert are you in public places? How do you make judgments about people? Who do you let into your inner sanctum? You and I are the king of our home (next to God). We are charged with protecting our families. What does that look like for your family? We are the first line of defense in a variety of areas. We have influence in who our children's friends will be, the type of freedom they will be allowed when it comes to what they watch on TV, how they will dress, the safety of the family in travel, safety in the home, and more.
Proverbs 20:26 - "A wise king winnows out the wicked; he drives the threshing wheel over them."
In the spirit, we have the power to rebuke the evil that affects our lives. How do you defeat the enemy? Do you show him mercy or do you hammer him? How do we winnow out the wicked? I likened it to a search and destroy mission.
It makes me think of our special forces on the front lines. They must make life and death decisions on a daily basis. Evil is stopped in its tracks and the enemy knows that a wise warrior is on the scene. Word passes quickly and it calms the area. It reminds me that evil can only prosper when good men do nothing.
"Got my mind on my money and my money on my mind." - Snoop
When is it wise to pursue wealth? I have had my business since 1999 and love to see people succeed in their business. I enjoy reading about successful companies and the stories of incredible people who overcame to bring value to the population at large. Others villanize success, believing we should punish success through Government intervention, usually in the form of taxation and regulation. They see successful people as being "greedy", "arrogant", "selfish", etc.
Most succesful enterpreneurs are very dedicated to the details of their clients and offer something so unique, that they can't help but become a success. However, I have seen others who have financial success become terrible people, their lives come apart, or dig themselve into a huge financial hole. The recent stock market drops has most everyone with money invested, on edge. Why does God bless one with success and not others?
Are you struggling with the pursuit of wealth? I personally have not achieved the financial success that I have celebrated in others.
So, I have asked God about that. Well, he knows me better than myself and knows my heart. The answer probably lies within my nature to get ensnared in my own success. When I have had money in the past, I have not been the same person that I am when I am totally dependent on him. I admit that I have been rebellious and forsaken the Kingdom in those instances. I am thankful that God protects me from myself and makes me mindful of the long-haul, the future that he has planned for me and my family. I don't envy others. The Lord has given me the ability to hang out with the wealthy and poor alike and feel comforatable in either situation. I am thankful for that.
Given my personal situation, I do hope to have financial success one day. That hope is centered on being an instrument for the Kingdom. I don't know what that looks like now. It may not include the nice cars, big house(s), and exotic vacations (although I sure could use one). If you had all the money that you needed and more how would you invest it in the Kingdom? What would you do differently? If you have money now, what could you do today to further the Kingdom and grow your opportunities or integrate them into your business?
"Our God is an Awesome God" with Michael W. Smith
Proverbs 19:1 - "Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a fool whose lips are perverse."
Know any fools with money on the airwaves speaking foolishness? Know any good business people with money on the airwaves furthering the Kingdom (you may not hear them directly, but they are making an impact)? We will have to give an account for our words one day. It is a hard thing to take control of the tongue in an era of information and opinions. Speak blessings to those in your circle. Pray for a wise tongue.
Proverbs 19:3 - "Wealth bring's many friends, but a poor man's friend deserts him."
Our culture celebrates successful people. This message offers advice to the wealthy and the poor. When you are riding high, your friends are many, when you ride low those friends disappear. You even lose the one you thought was your real friend. What you have that is of value to anyone is what the Lord gives you in character, honor, and esteem. Are you wealthy in spirit?
Proverbs 19:8 - "He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; he who cherishes understanding prospers."
So what does it mean to prosper on Earth? When it gets down to it, our soul is all that we have. Have you ever heard someone tell you "I don't get it" or "I'm confused"? That usually means they aren't paying attention. To "get it" you have to seek it out, ask questions until you do "get it". Wisdom is about seeking it out, until we understand. What major issues are you dealing with today? Who can offer the best advice? Do you have any real friends you can call? Are they in your cell phone directory and can you call them 24/7? Can they call you anytime?
Various themes of "David vs. Goliath" have been played out in the movies, plays, stories, and lived out in history in famous battles. The truth that David brought to Goliath serves as an excellent example of the contrasts discussed in Proverbs.
We are all foolish mockers at some level. In our own minds we are wise. We see this everyday, when the guilty get caught. My uncle, a retired DPS Trooper has told me that there is "No such thing as a law-abiding citizen." Meaning that everyone breaks the law at some point, somewhere. We just didn't get snagged.
The guilty seem to get remorseful only when they get caught and it affects their personal freedom. They feel "picked on" or "misunderstood". Herein, lies the heart of man. We blame others before we blame ourselves.
David gets a clear vision from God. He knows what needs to be done. In fact, David is down right upset that no one has responded the giant Philistine's taunts. Not only by Goliath, but by Goliath's brother's who were also challenging the army of Israel. In the bible, David picks up 5 smooth stones from a nearby brook (another reference here in Proverbs 18). I used to think that he picked that many because he was afraid he might miss, hinting of a little insecurity on David's part. Another believer shared with me that he may have picked up more stones to be sure he took care of Goliath's brothers too! David went to pick and end a fight.
The battle lines have been drawn and the foolish mocker Goliath puts his trust in his size, his army, and the situation. The king of Israel has a choice. Fortunately for him, he does listen to David (a young kid), even though the plan sounded outrageous. The rest is history.
"The Voice of Truth" by Mark Hall, Casting Crowns
Proverbs 18:1 - "An unfriendly man pursues selfish ends; he defies all sound judgment."
Body language gives off great signs. Ever had to deal with unfriendly people? Are you unfriendly? I enjoy working with people who are friendly, open to dialogue, and who offer help, guidance, insights, and response. In my Marketing business, I have dealt with all kinds - lawyers, engineers, media personalities, technologists, business owners, movie makers, etc. They all have an agenda to accomplish and each share a flexibity or limitation to advice. It is curious to discover how people view themselves and think, to discover their motivations.
Proverbs 18:6 - "A fool's lips bring him strife, and his mouth invites a beating."
Goliath invited a severe beating. Have you ever been in a position that you might be the one who might need to administer the beating?
I really dislike going to the movies and hearing some "loud mouth" talking in the middle of the movie or going to a public event and hearing (seems like the same guy) spouting off when people are trying to listen to the speaker. I used to be the guy who would go up to those people and tell them to shut up (nicely at first). I then would get a challenging posture, but then they would snap thinking to themselves, "This is a public event, I can't get in a fight here". I would say to myself "Exactly, now keep your mouth shut!" - enough said. I haven't had to do that in a long while.
Fortunately, in our society we don't have to prove our manhood by how many fights we can get into and we aren't on the battle front of old (unless you are in the military now). However, there is an ongoing battle and truth needs to be sought more than ever. Men have been sitting on the sidelines playing battle focused video games, esteeming their mixed martial artist or wrestling champions, rooting for their favorite sports team, and living vicariously through their favorite movie hero "Iron Man", "Braveheart", or "Gladiator". Where are you going to pick a spiritual fight? How are you engaging the "Goliaths" in your life?
Proverbs 18:12 - "Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor.
David was not proud of himself. He was proud of God. David brought food to his brothers who had been on the battle line all day. Hearing the taunts from the other side. He humbly asked a question. Basically, "What is this idiot doing out there and why isn't somebody kicking his butt?!"
David had the honor of proving the point. I think God could and would have used anyone else, if they had the willingness to shed their own pride. David didn't know what he did not know. He humbled himself and stepped out in faith and God met him on the battle line. How important is honor to you? Is there an opportunity to show honor on your horizon? Slay the giant!
" . . . and parents are the pride of their children."
Proverbs 17:6
"I'm Watching You Dad"
I love being a dad. I enjoyed watching this video that I found on As a test, I watched with my daughter. Her take? It was "Weird!" - children.
Writing daily analysis of Proverbs is challenging. I find that I have to search, pray, and seek out the meaning for the day or one that reveals itself as I read the Proverbs for the day. As I read over Proverbs 17, I continued to focus on the theme of rebellion, foolishness, restraint, judgment, knowledge, and justice. Much of it seemed to lead to back to parenting.
We are in the midst of a culture war in America. Many in our culture lack parental instruction and guidance. Many of the rebellious and foolishness may even come from Christian homes. Generational failures have happened throughout history.
As Christians, we may be failing to connect with our children and equipping our offspring with the justice and wisdom offered in the bible.
I realize that I must live out the example for my children and that has its own perils (I know I fail daily). How will they learn right from wrong from my wife and I and others in our family? Will they themselves choose the wise path?
Fortunately, our father in Heaven calls us his children and he is our pride. He wants the best for us and has already shown us an example in Jesus Christ. How will we lead the next generation and answer the challenges of a rebellious and foolish culture? We are called to be wise and we have a helper in the Holy Spirit. Our children grow up fast, will we be their pride?
"Cinderella" by Steven Curtis Chapman
Proverbs 17:15 - "Acquitting the guilty and condeming the innocent - the Lord hates them both."
We live in a time where the guilty seem to go free and the laws are made for the criminals. We have seen righteous judges be challenged by the culture and taken down for their judgment. The war on righteousnes is a sign of a populace that lacks wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 17:24 - "A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even tempered."
We are judged by what we say and how we say it. That requires us to think about the people we are talking too. In sales, salespeople are taught to ask questions of the prospect. Get them talking and they will tell you everything you need to know to make the sale.
Proverbs 17:28 - "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tounge."
I enjoy when my eldest daughter cautions the younger to keep her mouth shut. She says, "Shut up Kenna, you are going to get us in more trouble." Even a child knows when to keep the situation cool. I also enjoy when I ask my children a thought provoking question and see them think about their answer. One of those answers I hope to give them is "I don't know." Better to say you don't know and get the right answer.
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
Proverbs 16:24
I love honey in my coffee. My wife rarely buys it for me because she says it is very expensive and too much honey isn't good for me. So, on occasion I get a surprise jar of honey that I savor for the duration of its utility in my coffee, on my toast, or by itself. I remember as a child, buying the kind of honey that has a honeycomb in it. I used to love to pull out the waxy structure and chew on it. Oh it was so good!!
Honey is written about throughout bible as a sweet and sometimes bitter experience. There is a balance that keeps it sweet.
I never thought about it, but I call my wife honey and my young girls honey. Life is sweet.
"Show Me Your Glory" by Third Day
Proverbs 16:7 - "When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him."
Are your ways pleasing to the Lord? Do you have enemies? The walk of a Christian may create friction and tension. It cost Jesus his life, which he was willing to pay. Jesus warned us that we will be persecuted for our faith. You are bound to create enemies for your dedication. I like this verse in that it offers a hope that peace will prevail and our enemies will be at peace. Are you in a lion's den today? Do you feel outnumbered and surrounded?
Proverbs 16:13 - "Kings take pleasure in honest lips; they value a man who speaks truth."
Are you a truth teller? My tendency is to embellish. Make things sound better than they are (which they usually are). We have heard the term "sugar coat". I have also seen people that are brutally honest to a fault. They are very honest about the faults of others, but blind to their own. No one wants to feel like an idiot and many "truth tellers" love to prove their point by clubbing others over the head.
I think honest lips are truthful and may be spoken in a way that captures the attention and the intrique of the wise. However, there are times when truth needs to be spoken in a way that may not be pleasant to the hearer. Both work, but discerning which is needed may be the challenge. Do you have an example of how truth has brought value to your life?
Proverbs 16:21 - "The wise in heart are called discerning, and pleasant words promote instruction."
Do you have a discerning heart? Do your words promote instruction? Teachers love to to teach. In fact, there is an old saying that goes, "A teacher learns more than the student". The shear act of sharing wisdom and knowledge opens hearts and minds. I make a point to tell my girls that they are so smart! I know that some parents tell their kids that they are dumb. Imagine what happens to the child's thought processes for either of these scenarios.
I am not trying to puff my children's egos or make them falsely confident. My goal is to have them believe they are smart to the point that they are motivated to get more information and enjoy learning. Each new discovery is the foundation that will indeed make them truly smart.
If a child thinks they are dumb, why should they try? Adults need to hear encouraging words too. Be honey to the soul.
How do we know which path to take in life? So much it seems is left to chance. Each day we have a decision to make that will affect the rest of our lives. Option A seems right and so does Option B. Some opt for the fork and wind up in the thorns. Others take the wrong path and wind up missing life.
I hate getting lost. A man never wants to admit he is lost or wants to ask for directions. Are you lost today? Maybe there are some lessons in Proverbs 15 that makes sense.
"Empty Me" by Chris Sligh, American Idol Finalist
Proverbs 15:11 - "Death and Destruction lie open before the Lord - how much more the hearts of men!"
I have never seen a destroyed site in person. I have seen the aftermath on the news - hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, war destruction, and volcanic sites, etc. We are in awe of the magnitude of devastation. Our hearts are open before the Lord and our thoughts known. Pretty scary stuff. We should search our hearts, test our motives, and remind ourselves of the eternal accounting and oversight. This may keep us on the right path.
Proverbs 15:29 - "The Lord is far from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the righteous.
Have you ever prayed and knew that God was hearing your prayers? That everything was going to be alright or that God knew about your situation? If you and I are praying, we are doing something right. Luckily, we don't need to "feel" something to know we have been heard. Fervent prayer is another matter. Life or death prayer stronger still. We sometimes take prayer for granted. How often do you pray? When is the best time to pray?
The story of "Masada" was a battle cry to the Jewish people and intrigues scholars to this day. The Jewish Zealots denied their Roman attackers the victory they were seeking.
Today, our fortress is secure. We can walk into it each day with thanksgiving. We are shielded by our protector no matter how magnificent our challenges may be. God hears our prayers and watches over us. I love this song below. Hope it speaks to you.
A fortress is a planned endeavor. Every detail meticulously provided. Our God is a mighty fortress.
"A Mighty Fortress is Our God" by Crosspoint Church, Katy, TX Worship Team
Proverbs 14:8 - "The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception."
I am learning to think before I act in all matters. My impulse is to act - "Make it happen!" This verse tells us to stop and analyze, pause and reflect. To tell you the truth, I am worn out. Wisdom replenishes the soul and reflection offers hope for the future in real terms. Take time to "give thought" to your ways. What do you hear God telling you about his way?
Proverbs 14:10 - "Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy."
Have you ever been frustrated to the point of bitterness? We all have our breaking point and when we break, it hurts us to our very core. I remember losing an opporunity in the Marine Corps to become an officer. I wanted to fly Cobras and everything seemed to be going my way.
I was being recognized and meritoriously promoted, attending one of the best colleges in the country (Tulane University), volunteering for many high profile duties in the Corps (i.e. Auxiliary Security Force, Color Guard, Taylor's Kids, Toys for Tots, etc.), First Class physical fitness tests, and working hard to be my best (my uniform was perfect each and every day). One afternoon I was notified by my Commanding Officer that I had been accepted into an elite program that would make my dreams happen. That announcement was followed up in print in the Navy Times. There it was. My name on the official list of those who were accepted.
Sadly, shortly after I received an official notice that I had been cut from the program, with no real explanation (I met all of the qualifications). Out of 350 who had applied nationwide, only 66 were selected for this program (my name was now removed). The news was devasting and I was scared to tell my wife (thinking that she would leave me). We had penned all of our hopes on the great news we had received before and were already making plans to attend Texas A&M University for my last year of College (which would also be paid for by the program).
Has anything like this ever happened to you? It doesn't seem fair and your experience is unique to your circumstance. Therefore, your joy will also be unique to you. I now know that there were many reasons why I didn't get this program and that the Lord had another plan.
Proverbs 14:27 - "The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a man from the snares of death."
The Lord makes our lives better if we listen to his direction. Life is great when it is full of activity, new experiences, rest and relaxation, incredible discoveries that have been hidden to us, the joy of children, and the excitement of seeing things come to fruition. A fountain of water is a sight to behold. Now imagine a fountain of life. Look back at your life and look forward to the future. Each day is an incredible opportunity to maximize your opportunities. I think a lot of that comes through prayer. Pray over the day, beg God for wisdom and direction, wait on him, and then let him direct your paths and help you to avoid the snares.
Proverbs 14:30 - "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."
Are you at peace? Do you envy others? What does a peaceful heart look like? A peaceful heart can be gained in the midst of the battle. I recently read "On Combat" by Colonel Grossman, a foremost authority on the art, science and history of warriorship. Much has been learned about the physiological and psychological affects of "interpersonal aggression" - the greatest fear of mankind. He has written a book that teaches martial artists, police officers, SWAT members, and our military how to keep a peaceful heart in the midst of battle. In fact, many of the developments of training have centered on keeping the "sheep dog" skills honed to fight the "wolf" by focusing on realism of battle via computer games and realistic training bullets, on tactical breathing, and recognizing the natural affects of "pre and post-traumtic stress". In his analysis, the sheep dog lives to fight the wolf and protect the sheep. The sheep get nervous because the sheep dog looks like the wolf. How do you keep a peacful heart?
Is their an inheritance in your future? I have secretly wondered if I might be related to some foreign royalty in Spain or Europe and if a treasure might be awaiting my claim. Is there a will or decree in some foreign country recognizing me or my family? Who knows?
On Earth, we may lay claim to an inheritance someday. I guess it shows the forethought of the provider. Someone who looks to leave their estate to their loved ones to carry on. Grand children are a far away dream for my wife and I. We hope to be able to provide resources to our children via our experience, advise, guidance, and yes even finances. We are curious about the future and hope to inspire the next generation by providing a foundation for the future.
"When We Were Young" by Life of Riley
Proverbs 13:12 - "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."
We are impatient. Our "hope window" is narrow. Instant gratification is about as long as we want to wait. Our hopes may be centered on our wants. Our needs have a greater impact. A need is greater than a want. I think this verse really focuses on a need. What are you greatly hoping for today? A cure for a disease? Absence from pain? Financial matters being solved? A new home? A loved one? A new business? Forgiveness? I pray that it would be fulfilled.
Proverbs 13:22 - "A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous."
My grandparents came over from Mexico and raised 16 children while adopting 4 others. Their children worked in the fields in the summer and generally skipped lunch at school (or worse brought tacos from home - an embarassment) because their parents couldn't afford lunch for all of the children. Now, my grandparents left their grand children and great grand children a legacy and a blessing. I often remind my children that they are blessed to be born in the USA. Now that I am a father, I am hoping to leave their children an inheritance one day. That legacy will be inspired by God and a foundation of faith.
I remember my grand father laying hands over me and praying. I don't know what he prayed, but I now pray over my children daily, that they will be used by God for his glory. That they would be mighty warriors in his kingdom and that they would be a blessing to the church of Jesus Christ.
I have a good friend who took on an extra job so that he could pay for his grand children's education. That is inspiring. What are you planning to do for your children's children? Would love to hear about your plans for the future?
It is hard to surrender without a fight. To surrender, we must be dog tired, out of ammo, out of options, and maybe in fear for our life. In the natural world, surrender happens everyday. The police chase down a criminal, tyrants run down the weak, and righteous soldiers fight back the tyranny. The desperately poor, the persecuted, deathly ill (i.e., aids pandemic), and thirsty (the drought in many populace or absence of clean water) have to fight for each day - surrender is not an option (their very survival is at stake).
In the spiritual realm, the surrender to God is sweet. Our surrender to the creator of the universe is met with an open door to the throne of the almighty. We are allowed to enter his courts and lay our lives at his feet and discover his goodness. At the throne, we gain.
Are you at your wits end? Are you wondering what the future holds? Do you need a miracle from God? We are called to rest in him and to be wise. A friend recommended this song to me. Hope you enjoy it. Is it time to surrender?
"Whatever You're Doing" by Sanctus Real
These verses stood out today:
Proverbs 12:2 - "A good man obtains favor from the Lord, but the Lord condems a crafty man."
Do you practice self-talk? I have affirming words and phrases in my "Daily Task" in Outlook. Words like "I am an annointed", "I am favored by God and he opens doors for me", and "My best days start today". I think we need to remind ourselves about our favor with God on a daily basis. A crafty man is someone who is skillfully underhanded and deceptive, a manipulator. Our pursuits should be aimed at gaining favor with God and not men.
Proverbs 12:10 - "A righeteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel."
I recently bought my girls two pet mice, not realizing that male mice are very stinky due to their urine. I thought they were cute and that my girls would love them (they were excited to have them). However, after the third day in the house, my wife wanted me to get rid of them (she didn't care how). One of the mice was sick and he died. My youngest daughter had named him "Cheese", so we had a burial for him and said a prayer.
Well, "Remi" (the other mouse) is a alive and well and living in our garage in an aquarium tank all to himself. My wife wanted me to just let him go in a field or give it to someone with a snake. I haven't had the heart to do either. The thought of the mouse fending for hmself in the wild seemed cruel. So, I have taken on the responsibility for his future making sure he has plenty of water and food. I had read this verse before and it is my reminder to care for this little mouse. He's a pretty lucky mouse, because my old nature would have enjoyed putting a set mouse trap in his cage to see what would happen. Now, he is kind of like my little buddy.
My step-dad came over today to repair my roof from the damage received from hurricane Ike. This was an answer to prayer. Our roof had received very minor damage (fortunately no water in the house, the tar paper was still in place and shed water during the rain).
I knew it would be costly to get someone to come out and repair only 10 tiles given the high demand for roofers in our area. I had done some research on the internet and was going to try to handled this repair myself, but I lacked the tools and the expertise, etc.
While my step-dad was on that project, he had also noticed that my trees needed trimming and so he brought his "multi-purpose" saw and also pruned branches off of three medium sized oak trees in our back yard. My yard is now filled with branches that I will need to prepare for the dump. The trees look different, light and well-formed (they were getting very thick and some of the branches were beginning to rub up against the house). A trimmed tree is a sight to behold. They look like million dollar trees compared to the massive scrabs (is this a word) they were becomming. I can't wait to do some reading under one of the larger oaks this week.
Have you gone through a prunning process? For a believer, prunning is necessary in one's life. It is a time for God to reveal our character. He cuts back the deadwood, the fluff, the stuff that gets in the way of his relationship with us. When he is done, we are left more beautiful than before and stronger.
The prunning process is never fun. It hurts. We don't know fully what is happening, but we do know it is for our long-term benefit. It also prepares us for future growth.
"Mighty to Save" by Hillsong (a time of worship)
These verses stood out to me today:
Proverbs 11:8 - "The righteous man is rescued from trouble, and it comes on the wicked instead."
How do we know if we are righteous? There are times we feel righteous through the holy spirit. The times when we deny ourselves and allow Jesus to move through us. Those times are wonderful, when we are allowed to play a part of impacting someones life, having the spiritual courage to speak blessing, or compassionately praying for someone in time of need, offering a good deed, or powerful worship. Each day is a new slate. We see righteousness when we come clean before God, dropping our agendas, our own understanding, and begging our father for his direction and leading. The wicked have their own agenda to pursue.
Proverbs 11:14 - "For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure."
The world seems in turmoil and nations near collapse. The news shakes confidence. Pray for our leaders today, may they receive wise council.
Proverbs 11:25 - "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Are you generous? Do you refresh others? I don't know how generous I truly am or whether I refresh others as much as I would like. I do enjoy being able to give or helping people when I can. Lately I have felt tapped out and in the pursuit of how I can be an effective source of provisions to my family, by neighborhood, community, and the body of Christ. I have gone through the prunning process mentioned above and feel ready to bloom, but I am still not certain of the new growth. I am praying to be filled with more so that I can fill others.
Proverbs 11:30 - "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise"
I love oak trees for their grandness over time. An oak tree takes many years to reach its beauty, but every decade adds to its stature and character. There are many other trees to behold. Maybe you have seen the giant Sequoia trees in California, Aspen trees in Colorado, the Bonsai of Japan, or the olive trees in Israel. Trees vibrate life. Part of our journey is to win souls via our life. I think many times, we may this harder than it should be. We are called to be the salt of the Earth and to be a light.
It dawned on me the night before that it was my father's birthday. My father has been deceased for over six years and died of liver cancer at age 56. The doctors gave him 5 months to live and that is about how long he lived after his diagnosis. He had never really been sick most of his life. He was a guy who enjoyed life, family, and worked hard (which he enjoyed).
I am not one who makes it a point to visit gravesites, but today's reading provided an interest. I drove to Bryan, Texas in my old bimmer and picked up my sister, Joanne "Jodie". It was a beautiful windy day and a great ride through the country. She was ready when I got to her home and so we drove over to see my father to wish him a happy birthday in heaven. At the site, I was able to read Proverbs 10 to him out loud.
"I can only imagine" by Mercy Me (the song my dad died listening to)
That is why I have labeled this posting "The Wisdom of a Father". My dad lived out many of these verses to me and I often regret that I wasn't the best son, but my sister pointed out that he was very proud of me. I needed to hear that.
My sister Joanne with our dad
These verses stood out to me today:
Proverbs 10:1 - "A wise son brings joy to his father . . ."
A deep need for a man is to be recognized by his father. I really enjoyed the book "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge where he talks about, how many men receive a deep wound from their fathers in their early years. Many fathers do not know how they hurt their sons. My father often told me he was proud of me and so I do make a point to tell my daughters how they inspire me. They need to hear it often. Do you think you have brought joy to your father? Every man wants to know the answer to this question.
Proverbs 10:3 - "The Lord does not let the righteous go hungry . . ."
I remember my father worked in a grocery store for much of his life. He would bring food to our extended families (i.e., uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.). He would find great deals on produce or slightly dented cans and would share with the family at large. If we couldn't get it from a grocery store, he would take me hunting or fishing and would even organize hunts with the family. He gave me all of my childhood guns before he died. I am hoping to take my daughters on a few hunts when they are of age.
People still talk about this needed help. In addition, he loved to barbecue and when visitors came over, he would break out the steaks or whatever he had and the visit turned into a mini-celebration.
I don't ever recall having to do without as a kid. I learned about sacrifice when my wife and I moved to New Orleans (we had just gotten married and I was serving in the Marines). We worked to put each other through college, times were lean, and it was then that we learned what being without meant. You can only eat so much Ramen Noodle or Tuna, before you learn to appreciate your blessings.
Proverbs 10:7 - "The memory of the righteous will be a blessing . . ."
It is great to remember the righteous. Do you have any family that you often reflect and remember? Grandparents, uncles, cousins, a spouse? What do you most fondly recall?
Do you like to cook? I like to cook on special occasions (i.e., birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, etc.). I have select dishes that I enjoy making (usually barbecued brisket, steaks or ribs - what man doesn't?). However, for many years my wife has handled the details of our daily dining. Lately, this "Proverbs Journey" has sparked an interest in the daily preparation of our meals. I am giving my wife a break and she loves it.
I made the most delicious beef stew and fresh vegetables last night. It took all day to crock. I love spices, a variety of tastes, and the thought of something taking all day to cook. The house wafted the smell of something special in the kitchen. In reality, this meal took little effort, but when we dined on it late in the evening, we were both in heaven or so it seemed. Life is good indeed, we thought.
Our children on the other hand resisted the "new" food and complained. Their only option was eat or go to bed (hunger got their attention). They acquiesced and added a little barbecue sauce to the meat and were okay with the meal. Secretly, I think they loved it too!
It is a blessing to a father to be able to feed his family and see them enjoying it. I think it is a blessing to God to have us join him at the banqueting table. He has done all the work and freely invites us to join him.
Proverbs 9:1-3 - "Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars. She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table."
Would love your feedback on the "Seven Pillars" mentioned in this verse. It seems that Wisdom is here to serve. Not only has she built her house, but she has prepared the banquet. There are many details to building a home; especially one with seven pillars. Finally, the details of the banquet are specific. The table settings ornate. Imagine the best dinner you have ever had. Where is the best place you have ever eaten?
Proverbs 9:5 - "'Come eat my food and drink the wine I have mixed.'"
We have an open invitation. Are you hungry for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding today? Where will you find it? How will you search? It is laid out before you.
Proverbs 9:11 - "For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life."
I know that I have done things in my life that have cost me days, maybe even years of my life. Wisdom promises that days will be added. Modern man has seen its days increased on the earth. Every year we hear that life expectancy is increasing. However, who wants to live longer and feel less satisfied with their life? I have always enjoyed talking to the elderly, those that seem to have a zest for life in their 80's, 90's, and even 100's. We are not guaranteed a specific number of days here. The math is up to God, but he indicates that he is willing and able to add more. Enjoy your extra day today. I pray that we get many more.
I watched the debate last night between John McCain and Barack Obama. Tom Brokaw asked a question from the internet that he prefaced as being "Zen like", "What don't you know and how will you learn it?"
This is wisdom's call. There is so much that we don't know and we may never learn it. Proverbs 8 is an open door to the past and the future. It is eloquent and beautiful in its invitation to all who seek it.
People in America and around the world are looking for answers in these perilous times. Financial markets are in a disarray. If you have time, read Ezekiel 7 (this may make some sense today).
People have a lot of questions about their future and its leaders seemed to have let them down. Why?
Wisdom has been foresaken. There are many leaders who claim to have the answers, but they may not. The conventional wisdom of the nation (the world) is being tested.
These verses stood out to me today:
Proverbs 8:4-6 "'To you, O men, I call out;' I raise my voice to all mankind. You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, gain understanding. Listen, for I have worthy things to say: I open my lips to speak what is right."
Our truth detectors are on full alert. What is truth, what is right, how will we know? What we think we know may not be the truth? We are in an era of confusion, people don't know what and who to believe. Wisdom is calling out!
Proverbs 8:15-16 - "By me kings reign and rulers make laws that are just; by me princes govern, and all nobles who rule on earth."
Have we abandon wisdom? Are our leaders truly wise? Pray for wise kings, rulers, and nobles to rule the earth. They will rise.
Proverbs 8:22-25 - "'The Lord brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old; I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began. . . .'"
Wisdom is the foundation. It has always been. It is our friend. We who seek it, will find it. We should never stop.
A hot topic for sure. It seems that the culture celebrates adultery, overlooking the ramifications and the hurt to families and nations (aggregately). It's intrigue is fertile ground and a danger to all men (secular and non-secular alike).
Sadly, many "family values" spokespeople wind up getting caught up in the snare and the mainstream enjoys pointing fingers and blaming the Christian church for their "obtuse" views of the destructive power of adultery. They themselves lose sight of the warnings.
The Christian man is not above falling into the trap mentioned in Proverbs 7. Adultery is a powerful force.
I am not going to preach here. Suffice to say, that I know that I need to be on gaurd against it. If prominent Christ followers can fall, then I know I can. If prominent politician and business leaders can fall, then we all can. It has happened from generation to generation and there has always been a cost somewhere down the line. A cost that no one really wants to pay.
Proverbs 7:21 - "With persuasive words she led him astray; she seduced him with her smooth talk."
I think we often want to blame the woman for her seduction. I think men are easy targets. We get too close and we get the "deer in the headlights" look and it is all over. Keep your distance. We create our own situations.
Proverbs 7:22 - "All at once he followed her like an ox to the slaughter."
I think the observation made here is that the young man was already flirting with disaster and before he knew it, he fell. He could not resist the temptation. It's a strong warning, that we should not flirt with disaster either.
Solomon compares this meandering to an ox going to slaughter. The ox may not know it it is going to slaughter, but at some point, he might get a clue and get nervous.
An Ox is a very heavy animal. I imagine the slaughter is very bloody, with much noise and violence once the slaughtering process begins. Who holds the animal while it flails around? Afterward there is a chain of commerce and a feast somewhere along the line. The animal does not go to waste.
Proverbs 7:26 - "Many are the victims she has brought down;"
I guess we should take this as a warning that the line is long. The history is strong. The mathematical certainty has been tested.