The Way of the Locust
Proverbs 30:27
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Lure of Fantasy, Proverbs 12
I am a dreamer and a doer. I often wonder if I am on track. Am I chasing a fantasy or am I working the land? My land is not tangible, you can't see it (when it is in early stage development). I work in the land of ideas and possibilities and work hard to bring them to reality (the hard part) so that others can work the land (the real part).
Are we all chasing a fantasy? A dream of our life and how it should be? Or are we being directed by God to bring glory to his name? My prayer is for the latter.
How do you know? It's a two-edged sword. How does one work their land while keeping their focus true to God's calling? A calling and a fanatasy are two separate ventures. One leads you and others back to God, the other leads you away from him. Dreamers and doers should hede the call and stay focused on working the land for God's glory so that in the end, it will bear much fruit for the kingdom.
"Chasing the Dream"
Proverbs 12:15 - "The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice."
Are you one who seeks advice or takes advice? I enjoy learning from others, but have found that there are many who do not seek or take advice. I've been guilty of the same. I think we have to fight the tendency of "knowing it all". We do live in a culture of people who are opinionated, argumentative and stubborn. We shouldn't join that chorus. Work at learning from others and avoid a few pitfalls along the way. Check your attitude at the door and open your mind.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Proverbs 1: The Simple Life
". . . for giving prudence to the simple, . . "
Proverbs 1:4
Do you have a simple life? Life used to be so simple it seems. When I was a child, I enjoyed the freedom to do what I wanted. I had a great home, plenty of food, clean clothes, my friends, and my trusty bike that could get me anywhere I wanted to go. In those days, parents let their children out of the house for long periods of time.
My friends and I would plan our day outdoors jumping ramps, hunting in the woods, crawdad fishing, playing football or baseball, or even playing the kissing game with the pretty girls in our neighborhood.
We all have our childhood memories - some good and some bad. In reality, life wasn't that simple. My parents had to provide that carefree environment for my sister and I, many times my dad worked two jobs (thus the alone time). My wife and I try to provide a sanctuary and nurishing environment for our children. They live a more complicated life than we did as a children.
Technological advances promise to make our lives much easierer, which it does. At the same time, it seems that life is full of twists and turns and complexities. How do you deal with the many uncertainties of our age?
"You are holy" - Michael W. Smith
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools [a] despise wisdom and discipline."
Proverbs 1:7
Are you a fearful person? Courage is not the absence of fear. I am often curious about what it means to fear the Lord. What does it mean to fear him? I believe we can get to a place of total awe, fear and trembling, and respect for the almighty. Much like the Jews who heard his thunderous spirit on Mount Sinai in the old testament bible. How do we get to that place in our spirit where we hear God, we respect and honor him, and we receive the knowledge and wisdom he desires to share with us in these times.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Proverbs 20: 90 Minutes in Heaven
"Ears that hear and eyes that see—we get our basic equipment from God!"
- Proverbs 20:12
Finished reading "90 Minutes in Heaven" today. Finished it as I was donating blood platelets. I didn't realize that this procedure helps cancer patients. Procedure took almost 3 hours, but I didn't mind.
Author Don Piper on TBN - "90 Minutes in Heaven"
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Proverbs 18: Drawing Straws
"You may have to draw straws when faced with a tough decision."
- Proverbs 18:18
Do you have tough decisions to make? I do every day. Decisions change the course of destiny. We are impacted by the hundreds of decisions we make everyday. Many we make without serious thought like what to eat, what to wear, which route do we take to work, what time we go to lunch, which e-mails we write or don't write, etc.
How do you solve difficult decisions? I have never tried drawing straws? Have you?
"Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty" by Agnus Dei
Proverbs 18:19 - "Do a favor and win a friend forever; nothing can untie that bond."
I love helping people. I look to be a blessing to others all of the time (of course one cannot help everybody). It is amazing to see the influence that people have (people have opened doors of opportunity for me all of my life). I enjoy when God uses me to open "big doors" (the bigger the better) for people I know and love. Sure it is a risk to help people. They might not appreciate the gesture the way you would have liked or forget your help. That isn't the point. When you help someone in need, they never really forget and neither do you. It is a bond that lasts forever. Do someone a favor today, just for the heck of it and because you can.
Check out this video I did for my new friend Demetria Dixon:
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Friday, September 11, 2009
One-Year on the Journey, Proverbs 11
"Count on this: The wicked won't get off scot-free, and God's loyal people will triumph."
- Proverbs 11:21
I started the Proverbs Journey a year ago tomorrow. I had read a book "The Richest Man Who Ever Lived" by Steven Kay Scott and decided to pursue my own journey. Over the year, God has shown me a lot about my life that has been in error. It has been a difficult walk. There have been moments where I just laid out flat on the floor asking him for greater wisdom and discernment, realizing that we are never truly wise. Yet, we are called to walk in wisdom that comes from him. I started this blog to encourage others to do the same. We are living in incredible times and our walk may seem right to our own understanding, but we may indeed be way off course.
"If good people barely make it, what's in store for the bad!"
- Proverbs 11:31
Today I heard my neighbor start a quarrel. He is blind and felt that the other neighbor had been ignoring him. It started off as a basic question "Have I done something wrong to you and your husband?" Well that led to an argument with the offending neighbor. I walked away, I knew where this was heading and it got worse. I came home to pray for him. We have a culture of "wronged" people, we seem to be looking for an excuse, any excuse to start a quarrel. I have been guilty of this too. Sometimes I do love a great argument or should I say debate, but often it is a waste of time, so why do it?
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Saturday, July 25, 2009
God's Inspection and Review, Proverbs 25
Proverbs 25:1 (NIV)
I have written about this subject before. About the yearning within each of us to discover and create. We will persist until we discover. Yet many will quit on their journey. The challenges become too great to bear.
How do Christians learn to perservere to the very end? I submit that it is through prayer. We must pray daily, unceasingly as the bible commands, so that we will be ready to act when the Lord leads and directs. What is God hiding just for you? He has something perfect in mind, but he isn't just going to give it you to squander. He wants you to seek it out, then will it have the value and impact he is commanding. Journey with him, seek out his daily signs, become familiar with his ways and you will accomplish his plan for your life. You and I are so close to greatness, because we serve a great God who is mindful of us. Not some fairy tale.
"Diligence, Integrity, and Patience"
Proverbs 25:6-7 - "Don't work yourself into the spotlight; don't push your way into the place of prominence. It's better to be promoted to a place of honor than face humiliation by being demoted."
I love the idea of daily diligence. "Inch by inch it's a cinch" says Zig Ziglar. Sometimes we get overwhelmed with the tasks and the dream before us. It is best to hack at it everyday, take a rest, and back at it again. There are no short cuts. Take time to sharpen the ax. Ask God for direction and cut through the circumstances that are blocking you from God's vision. As you grow closer to him, he reveals the "crud" in your life, those things that are displeasing or repel him. Don't fear or give up, shed those things and walk closer still. He is dangerous, he is fierce, he is excellent, and he expects the same from his people. Be diligent.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A New Direction, Proverbs 9
"Skilled living gets its start in the Fear-of-God, insight into life from knowing a Holy God."
Proverbs 9:10
"Go that way!"
Do you ever feel lost? I do all of the time. I am constantly searching for the direction that the Lord is calling me to walk. I do get lost, but he helps me to get back on track. Prayer has become so important to our family, we know we have been called to a greater purpose and it does not come without its trials and tribulations. I have learned that when I am feeling lost, that I really need to kneel down, pray, and worship God and to thank him for the many ways he is perfecting my faith. I don't have all the answers, but he does. Our lives are unique and were created for a purpose. I think the joy of life is seeking out that purpose and living it out as a demonstration of God's love. Our lives should be a blessing to others. When I am lost, I wonder if I am being that blessing to others. Sometimes, I don't feel like it. Fortunately, he helps me to remember and often someone reaches out and becomes that blessing to me.
"The Wonderous Cross" by Michael W. Smith
"Live wisely and wisdom will permeate your life; mock life and life will mock you."
Proverbs 9:12
Who doesn't want to be wise? We do want to learn from our mistakes and avoid them all together. I enjoy being around smart and wise people. Those who have the battle scars, the experiences, and the temperment that comes with overcoming challenges. Are you taking life seriously? Are you a mocker? It is hard not to be a cynic in these times. However, we are not called to be cynics and mockers, but to live our lives with joy and a spirit of expectation. God has a plan and we should wisely seek after his plan and his direction.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Friendly, Proverbs 18
"An unfriendly man pursues selfish ends; he defies all sound judgment."
Proverbs 18:1
My friend Bill Adams at "Aeros Hockey Game"
Are you a true friend or fake friend? I am an observer of people and it is amazing to see the amount of passive aggressiveness at play in this day. We have a natural desire to be social and set-up our own standards as to who will be a friend or not. True, we should not associate with those who may corrupt our character, but for the most part I have observed most just need a friend. I discovered that my friend has fallen off the wagon and his life might be at stake. I've prayed that he might call me to touch base to let me know he is okay. If you see him. Let him know I care and he is my bud. Most of my friends know that I will return every e-mail, every call, and that they can call me 24/7. How avaialbe are you to your circle of friends?
"Friends" by Michael W. Smith
Proverbs 18:12 - "Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor."
Do you know any proud people who are headed for a fall. In this era, it is quite easy to pick the "me-focused" people. You and I could probably spot one by looking in the mirror. We have to remind ourselves daily that we need to be humble and allow God to impact our focus. When we focus on him, then life makes more sense. We must humble ourselves to receive his commands.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Amazing Clarity, Proverbs 21
"We justify our actions by appearances; God examines our motives."
Proverbs 21:2
I've been away, but not far off. Have enjoyed discovering God and begging him for more wisdom. A journey may lead to detours and a bit of scouting the terrain. God has given me a hunter and warrior spirit and I enjoy the chase. I enjoy the moments of amazing clarity, but even then we cannot lean on our own understing. God is fluid and moves us for his purposes. What are your motives focused on today? When we focus on self, we lose sight. God may use us to inspire others and lead, but the focus must always lead back to him. We are useful tools for expanding the kingdom. Lead by following him.
"Spritual Battle Cry"
Proverbs 21:21 - "Whoever goes hunting for what is right and kind finds life itself—glorious life!"
Are you on a mission or just passing through? Want a glorious life? How about hunting for the things of God. God has an amazing plan for each of us and it is beyond "hum drum." The most dangerous prayer, "God use me!" He will and then it will be time to hold on for the wild ride.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
p.s. Something extra:
"Do your best, prepare for the worst—then trust God to bring victory." - Proverbs 21:31
Monday, March 23, 2009
Believe in Yourself, Proverbs 23
"Give yourselves to disciplined instruction; open your ears to tested knowledge."
Proverbs 23:12
Do you really believe in yourself? I had a recent banter back and forth about prayer on-line with a fellow. The commentator basically said that he did not need prayer only a belief in himself to accomplish the same thing. People may accomplish great things because of a self focus and belief, but I think they may miss something bigger. In fact, we can be way off the mark. God may see us at our true potential, but because we fixate on our own perception of who we should be, we will fail to live up to a more powerful state of being. We should instead, ask God how he would want us to journey with him to discover what he has planned for our lives.
"Child Like Faith"
Proverbs 23:26 - "Dear child, I want your full attention; please do what I show you."
Does God speak to you? Yes he does, but you may not hear him. I often don't hear him, but when I dig in and really concentrate and seek his direction, I can hear his voice. What is God trying to show you in these times? What should be our priorities? How does he want to use you and I? Will we listen?
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Friday, February 27, 2009
Keep Your Edge, Proverbs 27
"You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another."
Proverbs 27:17
Sons of the Kingdom, your "Braveheart" moment is here. Are you engaged in the battle? Are your spritual and earthly weapons sharp and are you prepared for the battle ahead. I love the line, in "Braveheart" when the Irisman says "It's my island!" to Sir William Wallace. Meaning, that God was on his side and he took dominion over his fear and his commitment to the victory. He called in Heaven itself to his aid, like close air support on the attack.
The bible says that our children are "like arrows to the warrior." Well, we are someone's children ourselves and can be like "laser guided missiles" or "cluster bombs" in the "theatre of operation." Or even better, like a Marine on a mission. So, that means we are a deadly weapon to the warrior who orchestrates our lives, our heavenly father. We were designed and created for this very day to play a part in expanding the Kingdom of Heaven.
What battles are you fighting today? Who can you sharpen? Tactically, how can you join forces with others to take down strongholds and make a way where there seems to be no way. God is using his men to lead, but to lead we must first follow his direction and be guided. Our challenge in this era is to become "uncommon men" (quote from "The Miracle"). How common are you?
"Keeping Sharp"
Proverbs 27:22 - "Pound on a fool all you like—you can't pound out foolishness."
You and I can't help foolish people. We need to be on the alert for those who will impede successful execution of our objectives. A fool is someone who does not take direction, is eagerly angered, makes rash decisions, and creates trouble for others. An excellent example of fools in action is the "Extreme Chase" type TV programming we've seen. The culprit knows he is ultimately going to get caught by the law, but he endagers everyone's life and property to prolong the situation. Even when they are caught, they are still putting up a fight.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
2.15.09 The Marathon, Proverbs 15
"A life frittered away disgusts God; he loves those who run straight for the finish line."
Proverbs 15:19
The picture above is a poster of my cousin that I had created for him. He ran a full marathon in Houston several years ago. Our family was proud of him. In his run, he dedicated a mile to each of our family members (he prayed as he ran for each of us). We honored and celebrated him after the run and were very appreciative that he gave his all for each mile. He is a life champion and I admire his dedication to God.
Gianna Jessen, Survivor
Proverbs 15:20 - "Intelligent children make their parents proud; lazy students embarrass their parents."
I prayed over my eldest girl today to prepare her for a math test. I prayed that God would equip her with the ability to score very high and that she would have the desire to do well and study hard each and every day. We have to model our expectations for our children. I asked her to ask God for super natural abilities and for a desire to excel. She has made me proud by her attitude to run a good race.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Rawhide, Proverbs 14
"No cattle, no crops; a good harvest requires a strong ox for the plow."
Proverbs 14:4
I am building an infrastructure for my business. I'm no cowboy, but this verse appeals to me, because it tells me I need to have cattle and a strong ox to get my businesss objectives complete. Cattle represent revenue opportunities as do crops, not to mention the food and substance for a the owner and his family. The ox are the hard workers that leverage one's own strength. So, I am praying and looking for oxen. I have plenty of business opportunities and lot's of seeds planted and as result a pending crop. The one thing I am missing is excellent and skilled labor. He will provide.
"The gullible cowboy."
Proverbs 14:15 - "The gullible believe anything they're told; the prudent sift and weigh every word."
I read recently that the inventors of the television and amplified sound both died broke. They trusted those they introduced there technology to, only to find that their knowledge had been stolen without any significant rewards for their hard labor. People promised them much, but did not honor their commitments. So, this verse cautions us not to be gullible. Test every word and verify.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
2.13.09 The Bright Life, Proverbs 13
"The lives of good people are brightly lit streets; the lives of the wicked are dark alleys."
Proverbs 13:9
"Heart Nebula" photo by Matt Russell
I don't like to be out in the city at night. Statistics show that criminals enjoy the cover of dark and feel more free to assault, drug deal, murder, rob, rape, etc. In addition, there are more drunk driving accidents at night. When I do go out at night, I am extra viligent and alert.
People reveal their personalities in how they treat people. Some are dark and some are light. I enjoy being around positive people who seem to exude the excitement and love of life and the knowing their eternal future. They know God and it shows. They truly have a bright life.
"A Glimpse of Heaven"
Proverbs 13:11 - "Easy come, easy go, but steady diligence pays off."
My father used to tell me "If it were easy, everybody would be doing it." Meaning, that nothing worth having is going to take work. Diligence however can seem like fool's work to many. Sometime people who are dedicated are seen as being odd.
I was commenting to a few business associates about the importance of diligence. I gave a great example of opportunities that people had missed, because they simply were not good at returning calls or replying to relevant e-mails. If you do this, you are not being diligent in all matters. You never know what opportunities are coming your way and should make it a point to address every matter (a little additional effort makes all of the difference).
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
2.12.09 Airheads, Proverbs 12
Proverbs 12:8
There seems to be a lot of talking heads, but people don't seem to be saying anything really important. However, many think they are making sense. It is rampant (myself included). There is an interesting dynamic when God gives wisdom in a matter. It seems to resonate with people. When we listen to God through prayer, we learn something about ourselves and others. Communicate God's love and if necessary use words.
This example happened to our family. I was at evening business meeting when my wife frantically called to tell me the house was flooding in the kitchen. A faucet hose had broken and she didn't know how to shut the water off and she and my girls were panicking. She could get under the sink, but the hot water was too hot to grant her access to the turn knob to shut off the water. When she called me, I really didn't know what to do until I remembered that we have a shutoff valve outside the house that controls the water flow to our entire home. Within minutes, she had the situation under control and the girls (who had been praying) were relieved to have avoided the impending flood and damage to our home (me too).
Here is the real message. The only reason I knew about this valve was because some of the neighbor kids, playing a practical joke had shut off the water years before. After calling the water district, the repairman diagnosed the problem. What we the thought was an evil prank years before helped us to avoid major damage to our entire house. Because I make it a point to answer my wife's call anytime she calls, we were able to stop the damage immediately and fortunately she was home to catch this situation in time. I pray over our home daily and it is amazing to me that God provides answers, years in advance. He said nothing, but we clearly understand how much he loves our family.
"Talking Heads"
Proverbs 12:16 - "Fools have short fuses and explode all too quickly; the prudent quietly shrug off insults."
I have been guilty of having a short fuse. I am a Marine afterall. I have experienced the wrath of a drill instructors who have a short tolerance for mistakes and boneheaded moves. Unfortunately, I developed that habit as well when it came to the mistakes of other people. In the military, the mission mindset is critical. In daily civilian life it may not be so critical. So, I have learned to be a little more gracious and forgive where needed. We should be slow to anger, but we must also realize that it is okay to have a holy anger and moral outrage when it comes to the things that must change.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Hard Time, Proverbs 11
"A good person is saved from much trouble; a bad person runs straight into it."
Proverbs 11:8
God keeps us out of trouble. He knows our limits. However, some people do wind up in the snare. I can personally count the narrow misses myself, yet God protected me. "There but by the grace of God go I" has been murmured by many a Christian follower. We know we have been spared and God is using us for other purposes.
One of my neighbors is doing 4 years in prison. I walked by his house today and said a prayer for him. He has been in jail now going on several months (a huge contrast from his nice home and lush meticulously kept yard). I thanked God for sparing me his fate.
He had invited me to join the local Municipal District Board and I declined (althought I was curious). The board was later investigated for fraud and two of the members were exposed in the media all over the city. I later told my wife, I am so glad I never got on the board and around the bad company. I am sure they thought their indescretions were minor at first and then it became rampant and blatant to the tune of $100,000 taken from the neighborhood. The guys offered to pay it back, but it was too late. I feel sorry for the them, but they got justice.
"Former Prisoner Testimony"
Proverbs 11:27 - "The one who seeks good finds delight; the student of evil becomes evil."
What I love about God is that he takes all comers. If you are sincere and really want to change your life and pledge your allegiance to him, he will take you in and change your life. Many play a game and want to make the decision when it may be too late. The narrow path really is an exciting path, full of mystery, hope, desire, love, and adventure. We walk by faith and not by sight and that makes all of the difference.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Be Excellent, Proverbs 10
"God is solid backing to a well-lived life, but he calls into question a shabby performance."
Proverbs 10:29
There is a great song we sing to the youth in our bible study that says, "Be excellent in all your ways." I often think about that song, its meaning and its inspiration to the children. As we grow, we may lose our flare for excellence. Oh we expect it from others, but may not have it ourselves. There are many areas in our lives that require maintenance. Excellence in our marriage, our relationships with our children, our family and friends, in business, in the community, and in our health. As I read this verse, I am feeling a little shabby in some of these key areas.
"Healing Rain" by Michael W. Smith
Proverbs 10:31 - "A good person's mouth is a clear fountain of wisdom; a foul mouth is a stagnant swamp."
When you speak, blog, write, podcast, or broadcast do people respond? Are you a clear fountain of wisdom? I love to hear great speakers. I have heard Tom Peters, John Maxwell, John Hagee, Joel Osteen, Ken Blanchard, Zig Ziglar, Rudy Ruettiger, and just love the wisdom they share with their audiences. Compared to them, I am a stagnant swamp. How do we become the orators of our generation? How do we garner influence with our words and deeds? Wisdom is the great equalizer. We should approach our relationships through wisdom and prayer. We will be given the words to speak and the guidance we need.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Monday, February 9, 2009
Death Proof, Proverbs 9
"Leave your impoverished confusion and live! Walk up the street to a life with meaning."
Proverbs 9:6
I spent Friday and Saturday in Austin, Texas meeting with directors, writers, animators, and an independent record label representing over 2,500 indepdendent artists. I love the entertainment world and especially movies. I have been a fan of Quentin Tarantino's movies for some time; although, there is much controversy with his work. I admire the product of his cinema, because they are so grinding edge.
While in Austin, I visited "Texas Chili Parlor" where a scene from "Death Proof" was shot. The place was a cool "hole in the wall" type location. The food was pretty good too.
"Death Proof" is a bazarre movie for sure. A maniacle killer "Stuntman Mike," played by Kurt Russell, is on the loose. He ultimately faces justice at the hands of his supposed victims.
Movies offer us a little insight into the mayhem of evil. It causes us to wonder why evil exists and what makes people do the things they do. It is also a reminder that evil is out in the world and can only thrive when good people do nothing.
"I Was Here" BlueFishtTV
Proverbs 9:18 - "But they don't know about all the skeletons in her closet, that all her guests end up in hell."
The Christian walks leaves an impact, a legacy. Jesus's example has transcended over 2,000 years (the one name that causes much consternation). He overcame death. To become "Death Proof" we must accept the one who had victory over death.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
2.8.09 Private Jet, Proverbs 8
"Prefer my life-disciplines over chasing after money, and God-knowledge over a lucrative career."
Proverbs 8:10
I remember gettting updgraded to First Class on Continental Airlines in 1988. I was traveling back to Texas from my base in California while serving in the U.S. Marines. My friend McKenna was a stewardess to my surprise and came to my "coach" seat and told me "Mr. Valadez, there appears to have been a mistake in your seating arrangments, you have reservations in First Class." I was really surprised and enjoyed the comforts of the leather chairs and the champagne and VIP treatment on the 3 hour flight back to Texas. What a dream.
As an entrepreneur, I am working hard so that one day, my family can have some of the comforts that come with success. However, as we go on this journey, I am seeking out the balance that God would call me to live as we plan to share our treasure, talents, and our time. How much is too extravagant?
I'd love to have a private jet for my family and friends to travel on business or leisure, but in today's economy and questions of service to the Kingdom, would that be too much? God grants wisdom in such matters and since I don't have that problem now, I won't worry about it too much.
"Rich Young Ruler" movie scene "Jesus of Nazareth"
Proverbs 8:18 - "Wealth and Glory accompany me—also substantial Honor and a Good Name."
If you are a follower of Christ, you are an heir to the Kingdom. Your wealth has been established, although on this earth you may be poor in terms of material possessions. As a child of God, we should approach life as kings and queens and seek wisdom that will only increase our wealth in the heavenly and natural world. Why does God make his people wealthy? He obviously has no problem doing so. However, when we have made our wealth our God, then he does have a problem with that. He knows our heart and the "one thing" that keeps us from being totally sold out for him.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
2.7.09 Making Love, Proverbs 7
"Come, let's make love all night, spend the night in ecstatic lovemaking!"
Proverbs 7:19
Ah! Got your attention. Proverbs 7 warns of the seductress. She's sweet, young, smells good, and beautiful. One indescretion shouldn't matter, many say. But, that makes all of the difference.
My young daughter asked me, "Daddy what is lust?" We were watching the movie "Fireproof." A father was explaining God's standards compared to ours to his son, who was battling for his marriage. My daughter was geniunely curious about the question.
We've made no subject off limits with our young curious daughters; however, we don't give them too many details, only what is appropriate for their age. I told my daughter that "lust is looking at another who is not your wife or husband in way that you 'want them' or does not honor God." Lust is the same as adultery by God's standards.
If God's standards are so high, do we just blow them off? Or do we seek to understand his decrees and commands, so that we might live forever.
"A Recording from Hell" on Tangle (formerly GodTube)
Proverbs 7:27 - "She runs a halfway house to hell, fits you out with a shroud and a coffin."
After hearing the 19 second from hell from this video, I have to admit that I am and was concerned about my family, loved ones, and my friends. If this place is real (which I believe it is), I surely don't want anyone to be there, but sadly there will be many there who wished they had made a decision to follow Christ. Compared to eternity in hell, obedience on earth to God is a far better a price to pay.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Sunday, February 8, 2009
2.6.09 Two-Faced, Proverbs 6
"Riffraff and rascals talk out of both sides of their mouths."
Proverbs 6:12
It has been said that we have three personalities presentations. There is the person we think thin we are, the person others think we are, and then the way we really are. Integrity is getting the three to agree and represent the real person behind the trio. Knowing this, brings the above verse into clearer vision. How do we control our tendency to "double talk" or be "double minded?" We must pledge our allegiance daily to God and look for those instances in our lives when we have obviously played both sides.
"Soldiers Under God's Command" by Stryper
Proverbs 6:16-19 - "Here are six things God hates, and one more that he loathes with a passion: eyes that are arrogant, a tongue that lies, hands that murder the innocent, a heart that hatches evil plots, feet that race down a wicked track, a mouth that lies under oath, a troublemaker in the family."
Did I read that right "God hates?" The wicked find no "quarter" (a military term, meaning surrender is not offered during battle). After reading this, one must ask why he hates these things. Wisdom comes from understanding his ways and less of our own.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Friday, February 6, 2009
2.5.09 Lovely as a Rose, Proverbs 5
"Lovely as an angel, beautiful as a rose—don't ever quit taking delight in her body."
Proverbs 5:19
I have a picture on my desk of my wife when she was two months old. The picture serves as my reminder, that I am to care for her all of her days. The picture makes me smile and reminds me of my own daughters when they were the same age. She looks so delicate, innocent, and unaware of the hard life ahead (I chuckle). I feel very fortunate to have her in my home and together we have grown older and still appreciate each other through our years of battles, victories and celebrations, and sad moments in our lives. These days, they have been very fragrant and life has been so blessed as we watch our young children grow and explore their world. We hope they see the love and appreciation we have for each other, although it isn't all roses. There have been thorns along the way.
I wear my deceased father's wedding ring on my index finger as a reminder of the sanctity of marriage. My parents divorced when I was 22 (I am 43) and my mother gave me my father's ring a couple of years ago, several years after his death in 2003. I was shocked to know that my mother still had his ring.
"Addicted to Pornography"
Proverbs 5:20 - "Proverbs Why would you trade enduring intimacies for cheap thrills with a whore? for dalliance with a promiscuous stranger?"
I recently read a book "Every Man's Battle" by Stephen Arteburn and it challenges men to control our eyes and our heart. He referenced this constant battle that men must fight. We are visually stimulated and our tendancy is to give in. Dwelling on impropriety is a distraction. I am not going to get preachy here, but a sign of spiritual maturity is being able to dart one's eyes away from sexually oriented thoughts and visual stimulus. However, there are really few prohibitions when those thoughts are about your own wife and you and she are free to love. That is the beauty of marriage, it is relatively guilt-free.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Thursday, February 5, 2009
2.4.09 The List, Proverbs
"Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom! Write this at the top of your list: Get Understanding!"
Proverbs 4:7
If you are like me, then you have a "To Do List" a mile long, but what is your top priority? The number one thing that you must do every day. Successful people are 100% efficient. They complete only one very important task everyday. Everything else is gravy or a head start on other initiatives.
My one thing before all others is to pray and read the bible. I must admit that I am not 100% efficient in that dedication. Sometimes I am praying in the chase and on the run. Do you pray over your day? If not, try it.
"The Bucket List" Music Video
Proverbs 4:13 - "Hold tight to good advice; don't relax your grip. Guard it well—your life is at stake!"
Are you a risk taker? I am. Public opinion is important. When it comes to public opinion I am really only worried that I am not doing something unethical or damaging to my personal life testimony. All else is open game.
I will initiate action and only worry about those who "get it" or understand or are curious about where God is taking the idea and my life's purpose. How does God want to use your ideas, influence, and resources today? Will you risk it on behalf of someone else? Will you step in and be the missing piece to the puzzle? No risk , no reward (Know Risk, Know Reward). Jump out of the plane and wait a little while to pull the rip chord. No guts, no glory. Geronimo!
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
2.3.09 Live Well, Proverbs 3
"Don't lose your grip on Love and Loyalty. Tie them around your neck; carve their initials on your heart. Earn a reputation for living well in God's eyes and the eyes of the people."
Proverbs 3:3-4
How do you keep your psyche bullet proof in an era of skeptics, doubters, and self-seekers? The "eyes" of people do matter to us, whether we admit it or not. How we live resonates with others around. Our love and loyalty vibrates through and fortifies our relationships with God first, then people. You can hold your head up high, when you first please God. Try to it the other way around and you will be disappointed in yourself and in others. Jesus said we should "forgive." That word is on my daily planner, to remember to "forgive" people who let me down. I realize that I may have let people down myself and can only hope that they would forgive me.
"Resurrection" by Amena Brown
Proverbs 3:5 - "Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own."
We sometimes only trust God with the "top" of our heart. Meaning, that we are ready to bail at the first sign of trouble. When you trust God completely, you demonstrate a willingness to weather the storms of life with an understanding that you will emerge a different person, a stronger person. God wants give us the power to overcome all obstacles and that may mean a tough road that conditions our spirit. We are never wise or smart enough to figure it all out. Trust. Your best days start today.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
2.2.09 The Search, Proverbs 2
"That's right—if you make Insight your priority, and won't take no for an answer, Searching for it like a prospector panning for gold, like an adventurer on a treasure hunt, Believe me, before you know it Fear-of-God will be yours; you'll have come upon the Knowledge of God."
Proverbs 2:3-5
Life is a treasure hunt. We are seeking for our true calling. Unfortunately, we may get distracted along the way with fool's gold. When we make seeking God our priority, he helps us to navigate to true treasure in all areas of our life. Are you tired of digging in the wrong places? I've been there.
"Lift Your Chains You Are Free" - Casting Crowns
Proverbs 2:6-8 - "And here's why: God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding. He's a rich mine of Common Sense for those who live well, a personal bodyguard to the candid and sincere. He keeps his eye on all who live honestly, and pays special attention to his loyally committed ones."
A blessed life is an incredible thing. There is peace, confidence, strength, joy, and laughter in the home of the wise. There is much celebration in all things great and small. Our father delights in his children and knows our greatests needs. Those things that give us hope in the future, answer the fears in our lives, and give us stability in tough tough times and exhiliration in the triumphant times.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
2.1.09 In the Battle, Proverbs 1
"Start with God—the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning."
Proverbs 1:7
You may never have to fight for your faith, but you might. When you are in the battle zone (spirituall or physically), your faith means everything. There is a saying in the military "In a firefight, there are no atheists." Their is saying among Christians, "You are strongest when you are on your knees." Meaning that God is ready to accept your petitions, hear your prayers, and is ready to dispatch his power on your behalf.
"More Love, More Power" (awesome song)
Proverbs 1:24 - "Look, I'm ready to pour out my spirit on you; I'm ready to tell you all I know. As it is, I've called, but you've turned a deaf ear; I've reached out to you, but you've ignored me."
I have been guilty of ignoring God. I've gone many years not attending church, gone to church, but didn't read my bible or pray as often as I should have. In these times, as a parent and husband and servant, I find that I must hear from God daily. I must make time for him through out the day. He has to impress upon me the things I cannot give, but through him I am able to perform all tasks he requires. I don't feel alone in the battle, but prepared to face the enemy and encourage others along the way. Lock and load.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Monday, February 2, 2009
1.31.09 Diamond Heart, Proverbs 31
"A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds."
Proverbs 31:10
Every little girl wants to feel special. My little girls are no different. They are prized and valued. My youngest will remind me every now and then that she "doesn't feel special." That is my que to drop what I am doing to remind her that she is incredibly treasured.
Sadly, many young girls lose their self-worth over time due to neglect or oversight. However, many young ladies retain their worth due to the influence, guidance, and direction of the earthly parents and heavenly father.
God gives parents wisdom to raise maidens of honor. Through much prayer and dedication a "diamond heart" is born. Still others, discover or rediscover their worth on their own. Where parents are absent, the heavenly father steps in to guide their faith and dedication. My girls love the "Cinderalla" story. A fairy tale, but a dream worth dreaming.
"God the Warrior"
Proverbs 31:24 - "Her husband is greatly respected when he deliberates with the city fathers."
It is a great feeling to be ushered in to speak with great people. Today I met a man who a close friend says could very well be our next president. I have also met many other men of integrity, the mayor of our city, the brother of former President George W. Bush, top generals, and others. I give credit to my wife. I am a better man because of her and all honor that has been given me I could not claim without her dedication to me. Because of her, I can walk with the wise and excellent men and feel no shame.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Sunday, February 1, 2009
1.30.09 Bath Time, Proverbs 30
"Don't imagine yourself to be quite presentable when you haven't had a bath in weeks."
Proverbs 30:12
Good hygiene is great advice and good for your health. Nothing like a fresh shower or bath, hair combed, fresh breath, a dab of deoderant, a clean shave, and a splash of cologne. We are at our best when we feel our best.
Fortunately, our God will take us as we are, but we must still be mindful that if we haven't talked to him in a while, we may need to ask him to wash our sin before we enter his presence. I remember a pastor telling the congregation, that when we pray we should come to him thanking and praising him, then we should ask him to wash away our sin and forgive us of our sins, and then approach him into the throne where we lay our petitions and seek his voice. You don't want to bust into God's presence without some kind of protocol that prepares you to receive more of him. Our lives don't have to be perfect to approach him. Fortunately, our God takes all comers in repentance.
"He Made a Difference"
Proverbs 30:13 - "Don't be stuck-up and think you're better than everyone else."
I don't know many "stuck-up" people personally, but I have run into business people who are very ego driven. When we think we are better than others, we lay a trap for ourselves. When I graduated from college and got my first job, I felt like I had to adjust or create this new persona. In reality, I fought this tendency the whole way, but it would creep up. Fortunately, I realized quickly that I was the same guy and was just blessed to be in a new realm and that being cordial with people, I would discover value in each person no matter their position. In fact, I have been very surprised by the power and influence of people in "low positions" and never try to make judgments about people and their capabilities. That focus has opened more doors for my interests over and over again. It is great to meet a CEO or an influential person who is very approachable. They forgive mistakes, are gracious, welcome dialogue, and treat everyone with respect. How do you treat people?
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Thursday, January 29, 2009
"Is Your Tuner Out?", Proverbs 29
"The good-hearted understand what it's like to be poor; the hardhearted haven't the faintest idea."
Proverbs 27:7
"Spiritual Blindness"
There are many fantastic and exhilirating moments we will miss in life by being spiritually blind. The God of the universe who protects wisdom and knowledge and is the giver of life, sees all things. I've always wondered why "faith" pleases him, the faith to believe that he is a good God, even when our own pondering doesn't reveal his plan. Sin deadens our senses, but a sold out dedicated love for Jesus reveals much.
We think we know so much, but the truth is we know so little about God and his plan to use us for his purposes.
Regarding the poor. I have had moments of poverty and moments of plenty. In America, our poor are rich. In reality, it is hard to even categorize many people as poor when compared to the severe poverty suffered in most parts of the world. So, if you think you are poor and struggling, you may actually be rich and not even recognize that fact. Sure people are hurting financially, but many have squandered their wealth or failed to plan for the hard times (I've been there too). We believed the hype about credit and lived beyond our means for too long.
Now, we can be in severe need and faced with few options due to lack of funds. It's in those instances that we are able to lean on the provision of a God who is trying to get our attention. When we have been there, we can relate to others and be prepared to meet a need. If you are rich in spirit, you are never really poor. God provides the richness we seek. We need to open our eyes to see what he is doing in these times and trust him with a plan that makes sense for our lives.
"Perservering to the End"
Proverbs 27:18 - "If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed."
You and I have been blessed to be in business, work for a great company, or lead a wonderful organization. What is God calling you to do with your life? How can he use you to make an impact for the Kingdom where you are? I have seen many Christian businessmen incorporate their faith in their business and workers do the same.
I admire a friend of mine who has one of the most successful business radio shows in our market here in Houston. He is really good about mentioning God in his broadcasts and crediting him for such a prosperous city. He is quick to point to the wisdom of the bible and how business men and women should inlcude him in their business practices. I am especially proud of companies like Chick-fil-A, Kingdom Racing (, Sherwood Pictures, PureFlix Cinema, The WEll DONE AWARDS (, GodTube, and others who are coming onto the scene to demonstrate the power of God in business. We onlyhave one chance in this life to get it right. Time to get our tuners tuned.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Seeing the Future, Proverbs 28
"When the country is in chaos, everybody has a plan to fix it— But it takes a leader of real understanding to straighten things out."
Proverbs 28:2
Can you see the future? A lot of consultants and economists trying to predict the economy nationally and globally. Many seem to be leaning towards more government control. Even Google CEO is telling us to trust the government! Yikes, we are in trouble.
I don't know if Obama is the man or not. I must admit I am one of the 58M who didn't vote for him and still have my doubts. I hope he succeeds in keeping our nation safe and gets our economy humming. I think the answer should come from the private sector, not the corporate conglomerates and bloated governmental institutions, but the mom and pop businesses and those on an accelerated trajectory path who are raising capital and hiring skills and talents in demand. People need to be encouraged to start their own business. We all have the seeds of greatness, but few are offering that route to the populace at large.
If we are going to reward those who pay no taxes and those who aren't creating jobs, I think we are going to be in a tight fix. Of course, I don't want to predict anything.
"Less Talk, More Do!" Tom Peters (one of my favorite leadership consultants)
"People In China Are Starving For Your Job" by Tom Peters
Proverbs 28:12 - "When good people are promoted, everything is great, but when the bad are in charge, watch out!"
Ever had a bad boss? I have. In fact, I started my company in 1999 to be my own boss and I am tougher on myself than any I have ever had. I work longer hours, I push myself to do more, and my clients expect no less. What did I get myself into?
Well, compared to the instances of serving under a politically calculating boss, a thankless task master, or someone that just lacks professionalism, I am in heaven. I know many people who are frustrated, hate their job, and wish they were doing something else. Sadly, many of us rarely get to utilize all of our talents and skills and feel like we are wasting away. Ask God for a vision. Let him plant a seed in your heart and believe him for an opportunity. You do have a bright future, if you are looking for it.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
1.27.09 "So, You Want to Be Famous?", Proverbs 27
"Don't brashly announce what you're going to do tomorrow; you don't know the first thing about tomorrow."
Proverbs 27:1
Andy Warhol
Have you gotten your 15 minutes of fame yet? I like being positive about the future, but have learned that you never really know how things are going to turn out. Solomon was a big believer in diversification and of course his wisdom made him very successful and famous. In an era of challenges and changes, there are many questions we may have about the future. Wisdom, it seems, is more critical in these fast-moving times. Maybe we should boast less and work more at making our dreams a reality?
"Beverly Hills" by Wheezer
Proverbs 27:21 - "The purity of silver and gold is tested by putting them in the fire; The purity of human hearts is tested by giving them a little fame."
I have had the opportunity to work with celebrities and been on TV and radio myself many times. I enjoy sharing may expertise in Marketing with others in the hopes that my advice and insights will help someone in business. I've only had one person ask me for an autograph which was kind of cool. I enjoy working with authors, media personalities, actors, musicians, and directors, etc. Most seem to take their fame in stride, others seem to forget their past.
We see the headlines of those that crash and burn. People love to be appreciated; in fact, it is a common need. Do an expriment. Tell someone how much you appreciate them and see their reaction. Now, imagine a roomful of fans and one can see how easy it could be to believe in one's own hype.
If you are on a trajectory to fame, it is important to keep your humility. Appreciate people and they will appreciate your example even more. I enjoy reading stories or seeing famous people who offer acts of service to the community, not those who use their fame to blast our country and tear down others.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Monday, January 26, 2009
Cracked Pot, Proverbs 26
"Smooth talk from an evil heart is like glaze on cracked pottery."
Proverbs 26:23
I don't personally know any evil people. I'm sure we come across evil people every day and we may never be aware. I recently thought of an encounter I had with an executive that was kind of creepy. This guy was from Russia and seemed to be an oil executive of sorts. I was called in to make a presenation with some other executives from other companies (a huge round table). This guy was the lead and he had offices in Houston and New York (I read his card) and seemed to be taking "pot shots" at my discussion.
I answered the man's questions, but it just seemed he was more interested in attacking my experience than looking for a way to work together. My position was that this group called me, I was already busy. I was here to help if they saw a way for me do do so. I had worked on a few projects like theirs and they needed a solution to bring their global membership together and open lines of communication and prove the association's value to its members.
As I readied to leave, he got up close to me and he looked at my lapel pen that was on my suit and he asked me what it was. I told him it was a "United States Marine Corps" lapel pin and that I was a former United States Marine. He looked me in the eye and said "Is that so?" and "I said yes sir!" He said nothing else and just stared at me and I left the room.
I never heard from him, but I did get an e-mail from one of the team members thanking me for my presentation. She seemed apologetic for her senior member. I just brushed it off.
I don't know if the guy was evil or not, but he did give me the creeps.
"Hit Him" by Dr. E.V. Hill, Promise Keepers 1993
Proverbs 26:24-26 - "Your enemy shakes hands and greets you like an old friend, all the while conniving against you. When he speaks warmly to you, don't believe him for a minute; he's just waiting for the chance to rip you off. No matter how cunningly he conceals his malice, eventually his evil will be exposed in public."
Not everyone is your friend. Americans are very friendly, we make friends fast; however, we should be on guard. My first instinct is to trust and be friends with everyone, but I have learned that, that can be a mistake. You can even find someone who seems to be "Godly" and find that they have some growing up to do before you can really engage them properly. Some people you do have to keep at a distance and those few close friends, should be welcomed with open arms and gladness.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Sunday, January 25, 2009
1.25.09 Misunderstood, Proverbs 25
"Don't jump to conclusions—there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw."
Proverbs 25:8
Have you ever been misunderstood? If you haven't, you may be doing something wrong. I have developed a saying over the years "Your motives will always be questioned, but do good anyway." It hurts when people think something about you that isn't true. The hardest thing for people to do is change their mind, so in most cases you don't even want to try. Let God be the judge and let him fight your "public relations" battles. You will be the victor soon enough. Then everyone will understand.
"Prepare for Rain" scene in Facing the Giants
Proverbs 25:14 - "Like billowing clouds that bring no rain is the person who talks big but never produces."
Are you a rainmaker or a storm cloud? My family and my clients are counting on me to make it rain. When it comes to producing, the big lesson I have learned is you don't stop until it rains. I have had many clients quit on me before I quit on them, but that doesn't change the situation. The Lord has taught me to move past the setbacks, the disappoinments, and connect with the clients who think the same way. They realize that to do something great doesn't happen over night, we must prepare for rain and that takes work and planning.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Save a Life, Proverbs 24
"Rescue the perishing; don't hesitate to step in and help. If you say, 'Hey, that's none of my business,' will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching you closely, you know—Someone not impressed with weak excuses."
Proverbs 24:11-12
The future looks promising. It has been said that advancements in all forms of technology and knowledge will seem like light years compared to the changes that have happened in the last century. Time and progress flew from 1900 to 2000. Inovations from 2000 to 3000 will be incredible, buckle your seats we are in for a wild ride.
If people are perishing on this journey, we have to do something now. How can you and I really make a difference? What is your calling? You and I have been given talents and abilities that could literally change the world we live in for the better. Before God gives us his blessing, he will search our hearts and determine what benefit we bring to the Kingdom.
"Charity Water"
Proverbs 23:24 - "It's wrong, very wrong, to go along with injustice."
People have varying views of justice, but God's view is what really matters. Many claim there is no God, yet the world they invision would not exist without evil being reigned in by justice. What are some of the injustices you see in the world? Before you call it an injustice check it out with the bible first, then get behind the cause. For example, is there such a thing as a just war? Is the death penalty right? What about abortion? Should drugs be legalized? What about prostitution? Euthenasia or Global Warming? There are many moral issues we have to deal with and sadly, many of us lack wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in these matters (including this author). Our decisions mean life and death to someone. We will be held accountable, so it is wise to discern the heart of God on these matters and act accordingly.
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez
1.23.09 The Shudder, Proverbs 23
"Dear child, if you become wise, I'll be one happy parent. My heart will dance and sing to the tuneful truth you'll speak."
Proverbs 23:15-16
"The Zulu Dolls" (Jamming to Life)
Are you a nervous parent? I am. I mean I love being a dad and I hope I am preparing my children well for the future. You never really know how they will turn out. The training we give them is something we hope they keep (we should pray over our children daily). Sadly, I do know of parents who have lost their children early and it breaks my heart to think about those instances.
We almost lost our oldest due to choking. My wife was changing our new born Kayla on the changing table, Kayla was under a year old then. My wife did not realize that Kayla was chewing on a rice chex and as she laid back, it fell into the back of her throat and blocked her air way. My wife came to my home office screaming for me to help her. I thought it was something minor and it was something I could fix with a few pats on the back. What I tried didn't work.
I had to run down to my neighbor's house who was a trained EMT. He was hardly ever home (he worked two jubs to support his family). As I ran to his house, my daughter Kayla went limp on me several times and was turning blue. As I tried to help her, all I could do was say "Jesus help me." Fortunately, my neighbor was home and the door to his home was wide open. I rushed into his house without knocking and he knew exactly what to do and saved her life. I shudder thinking about it now, but God intervened on our behalf. Now, you know why I am still a nervous parent. God is good.
"Angel's Singing" by Kayla Valadez (a song she wrote)
Proverbs 23:22-25 - "Listen with respect to the father who raised you, and when your mother grows old, don't neglect her. Buy truth—don't sell it for love or money; buy wisdom, buy education, buy insight. Parents rejoice when their children turn out well; wise children become proud parents. So make your father happy! Make your mother proud!"
Are you a good parent? I bet you are. Our children are a blessing and if they turn out good, we have a lot of celebrating to do. God bless you and your family!
On Mission, On Assignment, and in the ZONE!
Andy Valadez